Title 1

Title 1, Part A Program Annual Update - School Year 2024-25

Northshore School District's Crystal Springs, Kenmore, Woodin & Woodmoor Elementary Schools, and Northshore Early Learning Receive Title 1 Funds.

What is Title 1, Part A?

The federal “Elementary and Secondary Act” (ESEA) – enacted in 1965 – is the nation’s national education law. ESEA authorizes several state-run programs for eligible schools and districts. The “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA) – passed by Congress in 2015 – works to address performance gaps between student groups in schools.

Title I, Part A is a federal program designed to ensure that all students receive a quality education. The program aims to guarantee that every student has an equitable opportunity to learn and to close the achievement gap in student performance. Title I programs and services offer additional support for students who need extra assistance. They also help students meet the state's high learning standards. This information is intended to help you understand this law and its impact on your student.

Please share your questions and ideas!

Thank you for your feedback and for taking part in our programs! Each school has already contacted or will soon contact families to share important information. This includes the Title I notification, Parent Engagement Plan and Policy, School/Parent/Student Compact, and Annual Meeting notice. Attending a school's annual meeting or Title I events is a great way to learn more, get your questions answered, and share your ideas. Your input helps us make our programs even better!

You can help in your student’s success!

For ideas, tips, and parent guides from the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), visit the web page: Scan Code. Under “Parent Guide Infographics,” you’ll find resources such as: · Title I, Part A, Your Child (Extra Academic Support for Your Child) · What is Title I, Part A? (A Families’ Guide) · 10 Best Practices for Strong Families

Click here to visit OSPI Title 1 website

Right to Request Staff Qualifications

Since your student’s school receives Title I funds, you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of the instruction staff who work with our students. To request this information, please contact the Accelerated Models and Programs Department: Trish Katz – 425.408.7688; tkatz@nsd.org


Resolving a Concern

The best way to solve a problem is to talk to the people who are most involved. The School Board encourages you to follow the steps on our website: www.nsd.org. Click on Our District > Leadership > Policies & Procedures > Series 4000 > 4312P or scan the code. If you need help finding the right person to contact, please call the NSD Communications Department at 425.408.7631.

Family Notifications




Director of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Ebony Harvey

Title I and LAP Support
Trish Katz,