K-1 Holistic Learners
What are Holistic Learners?
Students at the kindergarten and first grade level who exhibit highly capable tendencies may qualify to be on a holistic learner watch list. This is not part of our formal highly capable services. Families of holistic learners receive a letter that they are part of a “watch list” for their learning potential.
Teachers plan and facilitate lessons for all students using grade-level curriculum. Teachers construct lessons and materials to meet the needs of a diverse learning community, including holistic students.
How are students identified for Holistic Learner tendencies?
Families, teachers and others may refer a student in kindergarten to be placed on a Holistic Learner watch list for potential highly capable characteristics. The kindergarten referral process will consist of a data review using data we already collect. You will be notified of placement on the Holistic Learner watch list in the Spring. It is not a highly capable designation. We will screen all first grade students, including those on our holistic learner watch list during our universal screening process in first grade for formal highly capable services to begin in grade 2. Formal highly capable services do not begin in the Northshore School District until grade 2.
How will I know if my student is a Holistic Learner?
For referred kindergarteners, the Highly Capable Services office will contact families in the Spring after they have completed reviewing the data for referred kindergarteners. These emails will include applicable data and students' holistic learner status. The letter will let you know if your student is on the “watch list” for their learning potential.
How long is my student a Holistic Learner?
Students considered holistic learners (as well as all other first graders) will participate in the universal screening and eligibility process in first grade for entry into our formal highly capable services beginning in second grade.