Non-Northshore Students
Non-Northshore Students include private school students, homeschool students, and all other students including students from out of state or from another public school district who are not currently enrolled in Northshore School District. Testing usually occurs in January or February.
Northshore School District will test students who are enrolled prior to the mid-October cutoff date and non-NSD students who Apply for testing and meet the criteria listed under the Application to Test below. If you enroll your student in the fall prior to the October cutoff date, they will follow the process described on our Eligibility Overview page. The Fall screening and assessment process is part of the Eligibility plan for identifying students for services to be provided the following school year.
If your student enrolls after the mid-October cutoff date, they have the option of submitting records from their previous school of their cognitive ability and academic achievement to our department. This is known as a Transfer of Highly Capable Designation. Transfers are reviewed periodically year round.