Eligibility Process
Every year, Northshore School District evaluates enrolled students for Highly Capable Program eligibility. Students who participate in this process may receive a Highly Capable qualification. From kindergarten through eighth grade, a Highly Capable qualification enables students to engage in advanced-level work in their area(s) of strength. In high school, all students (regardless of HiCap qualification status) may enroll in advanced courses.
How can my student participate?
Current Students
Your first step is to complete an online referral and permission form.
Northshore School District universally screens grades 1 and 5. Our department does not require parent permission to screen students. However, there is a very short turnaround time between the end of screening and the beginning of assessment. Because of this, we encouraged all parents to give permission before screening. This way, if your student moves to the assessment phase we already have your permission to administer the Iowa Assessments. You may fill out the Permission form to allow your student to be assessed if and when that may be needed.
For students who are not in grades 1, and 5, you will need to Refer your student for screening and assessment. If your student is currently receiving Highly Capable services in math or reading, and you would like them to be considered for a dual qualification, complete the Referral form. By completing the Referral Form, you are referring your child for screening (if necessary), and giving permission for any further assessing needed.
Students Enrolling After Mid-October
If your student enrolls in Northshore after the mid-October cutoff date, you may complete the Transfer of Highly Capable Designation Application to have prior highly capable testing or participation considered for transfer into Northshore, or you may apply to participate in the screening and assessment process makeups. We accept transfer applications at any time.