Appeal Process

Appeal Screening Results

There is no appeal process for screening results. The appeal process exists for appeals of final eligibility only. Screening consists of a set of data points within the collection of HiCap portfolio data.

Appeal Final Eligibility

The Northshore School District, in compliance with the Washington State rules for Highly Capable Programs (WAC 392-170-076), has an appeals process. If you do not agree with the final eligibility decision and you wish to appeal, you will be asked to submit a detailed written explanation regarding why an appeal is being filed. Appeals are reviewed and considered by the district-level Multidisciplinary Selection Team (MST). The MST is chaired by the Head of Highly Capable Services. The MST’s final decision will be sent to the person submitting the appeal.

Evaluations from outside agencies and/or medical professionals (e.g. private testing) will not be accepted as evidence. Parents should not ask Northshore teachers for letters of recommendations or other documents as the Highly Capable Department has access to your student’s Northshore data.

Appeals will only be considered for the following reasons:

  1. During the testing window, there was an extraordinary circumstance (e.g. a death in the family, an illness that prevented your student from completing the test during administration, or a traumatic event) that may have affected the validity of the test results.
  2. The birthdate or grade level listed on your student’s results notification is incorrect.
  3. Your student has a 504 Plan or an IEP that has test accommodations and these accommodations were not provided during Highly Capable Testing.
  4. A misapplication or a score that may have been miscalculated or overlooked.

If you would like to submit an appeal, please complete the Highly Capable Eligibility Process Appeal Form.  Appeals will be reviewed by the MST in the Spring.

If the embedded form does not work for you, click here for the Appeal Form.

Portfolio Review

If your student was not offered placement in the Highly Capable program after screening and assessment, but their assessment issues do not fit the criteria above for appeal, you may fill out the Appeal form above and request a review of your student's data. 

Please note: We have combined our Appeal form and our portfolio review form into a single form. The form above is the same one you would fill out to request a portfolio review. 

What to Include in a Portfolio