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Dear Parent or Guardian,
Your multilingual elementary student continues to be eligible for English Language Development (ELD) services for the 2024-2025 school year. Your student will receive services until they reach proficiency on the state-approved English language proficiency assessment (WIDA ACCESS).
WIDA ACCESS Overall Score |
Your Student’s Most Recent Score: |
For grades K-1, to exit services, students must score: |
4.0 |
For grades 2-12, to exit services, students must score: |
4.7 |
For grades 3-8 and 10-12: Students who score 4.3 – 4.6 on the WIDA ACCESS test can exit services if they also score a 3 or 4 on the Smarter Balanced English Language Arts test (SBA ELA). |
4.3 – 4.6 WIDA ACCESS AND 3 or 4 SBA ELA |
The purpose of ELD services is to provide language instruction for students in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English. These services also help your student meet grade level academic standards and requirements for promotion and graduation.
Your student is approaching and/or meeting grade level academic standards. To learn about your student’s most recent Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) scores, i-Ready scores, WIDA ACCESS scores, and/or Report Card grades, please login into ParentVue via https://www.nsd.org/resources/online-tools/parentvue and/or talk to your student’s teacher.
If your student has a disability, staff providing ELD services will coordinate with appropriate building staff to meet the objectives of your student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan.
Most students successfully exit services within 4 years. After exiting services, your student’s performance will continue to be monitored to provide additional academic support if needed. For students who participate in these services in our district, the expected 4-year graduation rate is 86.3% and the extended graduation rate is 89.2%.
We encourage you to be an active participant in your student’s education. You have the right to:
· request regular meetings to discuss your student’s language development and academic progress.
· request a different program, if available.
· waive ELD services. (Your student will still be required to take the annual WIDA assessment. Please contact your school for additional information.)
Your student is enrolled in the following ELD service:
Supportive Mainstream: Students in the Supportive Mainstream model access grade-level academic content and English Language Development through participation in their mainstream classrooms with support provided either individually or in small groups by specially trained educators
Dual Language Services (Two-way or One-way): Dual language services provide instruction in English and another language for at least 50% or more of the instructional time. Services begin in kindergarten and continue through middle or high school to fully develop bilingual and biliterate proficiency.
Ebony Harvey
Director of Multi-Tiered System of Supports