Income Eligible Free Programs

We are proud to offer multiple programs that are free of charge to income eligible families. Please complete one application packet per child and attach the required documents. Eligibility to our programs is determined by child’s age and family income, not the application date. Our programs fill up fast, so please apply as soon as you can! The information on your application is confidential and used only to determine your child’s eligibility for our programs. We do not require, check, or report on immigration or DSHS status.

This link will provide access to the 2024-25 Early Learning Application. It is available for new and re-enrolling students. Let us know if you need the application in a language other than English or Spanish.   


Current 2024-25 School Year 

 Early Learning Application English 2024-2025

Early Leaning Application Spanish 2024-25

Next School Year 2025-26

Early Learning Application English 2025-26

Early Learning Application Spanish 2025-26

Other languages available upon request 

425-408-6013 press 2 



Head Start

Head Start is a federally funded, comprehensive early learning program that provides services to eligible children and their families.

The program provides:

  • Quality early childhood education
  •  Family support services
  • Social/emotional support for children and health screenings
  • Parent education, employment support and job skills training
  • Adult learning and leadership opportunities
  • Nurturing supportive relationships
  • Supportive staff and family engagement

Ready Start

The Ready Start Program is a comprehensive early learning program. ReadyStart provides free services and support to eligible children and their families. Ready Start serves children from low-income families or who have environmental risk factors that could interfere with school success. 

The Ready Start program is a blended multi-age, inclusive model, serving students, ages 3 1/2 -5. Classrooms will be taught and supported by a general education teacher, a special education teacher, and a para professional.

The program provides:

  • Quality early childhood education
  •  Family support services
  • Social and emotional support for children 
  • Parent education
  • Nurturing supportive relationships
  • Supportive staff and family engagement