Walking to School

Crossing guards waiting for cars to pass before allowing families to cross the street

In accordance with Washington State Law, suggested walk paths are developed for each elementary school that has students who walk to and from school. Routes are based on traffic patterns, existing traffic controls, and other safety precautions such as school patrols. Suggested walk paths limit the number of street crossings so students are more likely to cross a street in groups.


Staying Safe

If your child walks to school, walk the route together ahead of time. Point out landmarks on the way. Teach them to wait for traffic lights and the crossing guard, walk rather than run, and cross in crosswalks. If your child rides the bus, talk about crossing in front of the bus only after the driver tells them it is OK. It is important to teach and practice safe pedestrian skills with our children as well as provide responsible adult supervision as they travel to and from school. To encourage safety and improve your trip to and from school please follow these recommendations.


Walking School Bus

When parents are reluctant to allow their children to walk to school, safety is one of the most common reasons given. Providing adult supervision can help address safety concerns for families who live within walking distance to school, and a Walking School Bus program seeks to do just that along with a healthy dose of fun.

Learn How to Create a Walking School Bus