Menus & Nutrition
If you need school meal program information in another language, please call 425-408-7654.
Se necesita información sobre el programa de comidas escolares en otro idioma, llame al 425-408-7654.
Menus may change without notice due to supply chain issues. Interactive menus will be updated as quickly as possible. Due to the possible frequency in changes, we will not be creating easy print menus for the time being.
Our online menu provides easy access to see what's cooking in your school's kitchen. In addition to seeing all of the great options, you can:
- View nutritional information on each meal we serve
- Translate the menu into many different languages
- Build a meal that meets your personal dietary needs
- Filter food choices by allergens
- Make healthy food choices
Menu items may be changed (substitutions may be made) based on product availability.
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