Athletics Policies & Guidelines
Leadership Code
Northshore School District Athletic Code of Conduct
The opportunity to participate in the athletic program or as an elected or appointed school leader in the Northshore School District is a privilege available to all students. Because of the public nature of athletic and activities programs sponsored by the district, students choosing to participate are expected to conduct themselves at all times during their season of participation and between consecutive seasons in a manner that will reflect the high standards and ideals of their school and community. These high personal standards for conduct promote maximum achievement, safe performances, commitment to excellence in health and conditioning, and fulfill responsibilities as student leaders by setting a positive example for other students.
The expectations for being a participant in a school's athletic or activities program, including specific eligibility requirements, training rules, activities expectations and team rules shall be communicated to team/group members at the beginning of the season of participation. All program expectations and team rules shall be in writing.
If students are earning credits from a school that is not one of the District's Secondary Schools or a district alternative program, they are expected to attend all athletic individual and team practices as scheduled by the respective coaching staff. Athletic practices and competitions take precedent over conflicts with non -Northshore credit providers. Sport specific attendance policies will be followed if practices or contests are missed.
On game day, student athletes participating in the competitive sports season must attend, at least, one half of the classes assigned to them, in order to be eligible to compete in the evening’s event.
It is the highest priority that student athletes meet specific academic benchmarks toward high school graduation in order to continue competing. Student athletes who are credit deficient must confer with their counselor to develop an academic plan to retrieve credits and demonstrate ongoing evidence of meeting the plan. Students must meet the standards for interscholastic eligibility as outlined in Article 18 of the Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association handbook, the KINGCO League and the Northshore School District and specific expectations of their individual school.
Given the unique educational challenges in the 2020-21 school year, the 2.0 GPA minimum previous semester requirement for interscholastic eligibility is waived for 2021-22 school year. Students must meet all WIAA eligibility requirements.
Copies of these rules and regulations may be obtained from the school Athletic or Activities Director upon request.
Any student who is involved as an athlete or as an appointed or elected school leader who willfully performs any act that substantially interferes with or is detrimental to the orderly operation of the District's athletic or activities programs shall be subject to discipline.
As participants in athletic or activities programs, students are faced with choices. If a student's choices interfere, impede, hinder their personal or group/team performance or render the individual as unfit to serve as a representative(s) of the district's schools, they forfeit the privilege to participate.
Conduct Rules
1. Athletes and/or student leaders will receive disciplinary consequences for failure to demonstrate courtesy, fairness and respect for other participants, spectators, advisors, coaches, staff members and supervisors; unsportsmanlike conduct; profanity, obscene gestures, hazing, lack of attendance; and/or damage, vandalism to school property, uniform and equipment, another school's and/or district’s property. Athletes and/or student leaders are held to all rules of conduct as listed and described in the Rights & Responsibilities Handbook Concerning Student Conduct and will receive disciplinary consequences for failure to follow reasonable requests, academic dishonesty violations, bullying, misuse of technology and/or behaviors deemed unacceptable by Northshore School District and/or the community.
2. Failure to Follow Building and/or Team Rules: Each sport/leadership/activity position will have individual team/group rules established by the head coach/advisor. The head coach/advisor shall inform the school Athletic Director/Activity Director and the student's parent(s) or guardian(s) of these specific team and/or leadership rules. When students fail to follow these rules, disciplinary consequences for their actions shall be applied.
General Rules
1. Misconduct by participants in the athletic/activity program at any time, on or off campus, school related and/or non-school activities during the season of participation and between consecutive seasons of participation constitutes denial of participation. Seasons begin with the first turnout, election or appointment to a position and conclude with the season ending recognition/awards program in the individual sport or activity.
2. Student Athletic and Leadership Code violations are accumulative during grades six through eighth.
Student Agreement
Any student who is involved as an athlete or as an elected or appointed school leader must adhere to the rules outlined in this code and sign the agreement pledging to do so.
Consequences for violations of the Student Athletic & Leadership Code will include any or all:
Probation is a period of time in which a student may be given time to correct deficiencies that could result in denial of participation for a given period of time or removal from the activities/group participation. (Probation does not pertain to athletes).
Denial of participation means that the student is allowed to practice but not compete or perform in games or any leadership activities.
Loss of eligibility, which may carry over to subsequent sports/activities seasons, means the student will not practice in uniform, or participate in interscholastic competition or leadership activities/groups. Per Northshore School District disciplinary code, a student on suspension from school is not eligible for any form of participation or attendance at any school activities or athletic events.
Student athletes and school leaders are held to all general rules of conduct as stated previously in the Rights & Responsibilities Handbook Concerning Student Conduct. Behaviors resulting in disciplinary action and/or loss of eligibility include but are not limited to acts of planning, organizing or communicating an activity defined as exceptional misconduct or the act of influencing others to engage in exceptional misconduct whether carried out or not.
A student athlete or school leader who forges grade checks to become eligible to participate but is determined prior to competition in their sport or activity shall be subject to the following penalty:
1st Violation - A participant shall be immediately ineligible for interscholastic competition for the remainder of the season. Ineligibility shall continue until the next sports season in which the participant wishes to participate. A participant in a leadership/activity role will be placed on probation or suspended from participation of leadership activities for no less than the remainder of the semester or up to fifty (50) school days; whichever is longer.
2nd Violation - A participant, who again violates rule d above, shall be ineligible for interscholastic competition/activity for a period of one (1) calendar year from the date of the second violation.
3rd Violation - A participant, who violates for a third-time rule d above, shall be permanently ineligible for interscholastic competition /activity. A student athlete, parent, guardian or school leader who provides false information or documents to become eligible to participate and does participate shall be declared athletically ineligible for a period of one year. The one (l) calendar year penalty begins the day the determination is made that false information was provided subject to penalties outlined in WIAA Regulations 28.4.0.
A student athlete, parent, guardian or school leader who provides false information or documents to become eligible to participate and does participate shall be declared athletically ineligible for a period of one year. The one calendar year penalty begins the day the determination is made that false information was provided subject to penalties outlined in WIAA Regulations 28.4.0.
Use and/or Possession of Alcohol, Marijuana and Illegal Controlled Substances:
Possession, use, under the influence, purchase/sale agreement or intent to sell (whether completed or not), transport, distribution and/or delivery of alcohol, marijuana, controlled substances (e.g. narcotics or inhalants) and/or prescription drugs in a manner inconsistent with the prescribing order or look-a-like, drug paraphernalia or substance carrying devices (including but not limited to; vapor, hookah and e -cigarettes) is prohibited. This rule is applicable 24/7 for in-season athletes and student leaders. If a student athlete or leader finds him or herself in the presence of alcohol, marijuana and/or an illegal controlled substance the student shall take immediate action to remove him or herself from the situation. The presence of alcohol, marijuana and/or an illegal controlled substance is defined as: being at a party or gathering where alcohol, marijuana and/or an illegal controlled substance is being consumed by those under the age of 21.
Any student athlete/student leader possessing, selling/distributing, consuming and/or using any of legend drugs and controlled substances/alcohol, marijuana or sale of legend drugs (drugs obtained through prescription, RCW 69.41.020-050) and controlled substances/alcohol, marijuana (RCW 69.50) shall be subject to disciplinary actions. SEE WIAA REGULATION 18.26.0.
A participant who seeks and receives help for a problem with use of legend drugs (RCW 69.41.010 identified substances) or controlled substances, alcohol, marijuana and controlled substance analogs (RCW 69.50.101 identified substances) shall be given the opportunity for assistance through the school and/or community agencies. In no instance shall participation in a school and/or community approved assistance program excuse a student athlete or student leader from subsequent compliance with this regulation. However successful utilization of such an opportunity or compliance with athletic/leadership code by the student may allow him/her to have eligibility reinstated. Should the student or parent/guardian feel aggrieved by the imposition of discipline through the Athletic/Leadership Code, the student and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) would follow the right of review process.
Students in violations of the athletic/leadership code shall be subjected to the following disciplinary actions:
1st Violation - A participant shall be immediately ineligible for interscholastic competition in the current interscholastic sports program for the remainder of the season. Ineligibility shall continue until the next sports season in which the participant wishes to participate. A participant in a leadership/activity role will be placed on probation or suspended from participation of leadership activities for no less than the remainder of the semester or up to fifty (50) school days; whichever is greater. Eligibility can only be reinstated through the right of review process.
2nd Violation - A participant who again violates any provision of RCW 69.41.020 through 69.41.050 or of RCW 69.50 shall be ineligible for interscholastic competition for a period of one calendar year from the date of the second violation. A participant in a leadership/activity role is ineligible to participate in current program for a period of one (1) calendar year.
3rd Violation - A participant who violates for a third-time RCW 69.41.020 - 69.41.050 or RCW 69.50 shall be permanently ineligible for interscholastic competition. A participant in a leadership/activity role shall be permanently ineligible to participate.
Use and/or Possession Vapes/Substance Delivering Devices
See Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for discipline action
High School Non-school Athletic Participation
The Northshore School District values multi-sport athletes and realizes many student athletes play for both high school and non-school teams. While WIAA rules prohibit schools giving students special treatment or privileges on a regular basis to enable them to participate in non-school athletic activities, NSD understands that occasionally non-school teams participate in events specifically designed to give athletes exposure to college opportunities and potential scholarships. For this reason, this procedure has been developed to both define allowable non-school athletic participation and to outline penalties for non-attendance at school team events.
Student athletes will automatically be allowed to miss team practice(s) or competition(s) to participate in one non-school athletic event per high school sport season. Prior e-mail notification to the school’s Athletic Director is required however.
This e-mail notification must include the following components:
Student Name:
Date of event:
Reason for absence:
While the absence is allowable, team attendance rules that apply to all students will be enforced (e.g.- sitting the first half of the next competition)
A student may petition to miss team practice(s) or competition(s) for a second non-school event given that the event is designed to showcase the athlete for potential recruiting or scholarship awards. This petition must be submitted either in writing or by e-mail to the district athletic director ( no later than two-weeks before the scheduled absence.
Only one petition per high school sport season will be considered and as with the first event, team attendance rules that apply to all students will be enforced.
No petitions will be granted for absences during scheduled post season competition.
This petition must include the following components:
Student Name:
Date of event:
Signature from High School Coach:
Signature from Select/Club Coach:
Signature of Student Athlete:
Student Athlete Statement:
Parent Statement:
Include documentation of the event and how it meets the intent of this procedure.
A third event absence will result in the athlete becoming ineligible for the remainder of that sport season.
Providing false information in an attempt to gain eligibility is a WIAA violation and will result in a 1 (one) calendar year suspension from all athletics (WIAA Rule 28.4.01).
Procedural due process for Athletic Leadership Right of Review
Consequences assigned from the Student Athletic/Leadership Code are a form of discipline. Athletic/Leadership disciplinary actions are subject to review through an informal grievance process. Requests to review consequences specifically impacting eligibility for current and/or future seasons would adhere to the following process:
Any student, parent(s) or guardian(s) who is aggrieved by the imposition of Athletic/Leadership Code corrective action shall have the right to an informal conference with the school principal or his/her designee for the purpose of resolving the grievance.
A request to review a disciplinary action must be submitted in writing to the school principal or his/her designee within two (2) school business days after notification of the corrective action. After that time, the right to any review is waived.
During such conference, the student, parent(s) or guardian(s) shall be subject to questioning by the school principal or his/her designee and shall be entitled to question school personnel
involved in the matter being grieved. The review of the grievance will be conducted within two (2) school business days of receipt of a written request to have the action reviewed. The application of the assigned corrective action shall continue notwithstanding the grievance process; the student cannot participate until the grievance is resolved. The decision of the principal or his/her designee will be conveyed to the student, parent(s) or guardian(s) within two (2) school business days of concluding the conference. The outcome may result in a decision to sustain, modify or rescind the corrective action in cases of extenuating or exceptional circumstances.
Subsequent to the review with the building principal, the student, parent(s) or guardian(s), upon two school business days’ prior notice, shall have the right to present a written and/or oral grievance to the District Hearings Officer. During the hearing, the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be subject to questioning by the District Hearings Officer. The decision of the District Hearings Officer to sustain, modify or rescind the corrective action will be conveyed to the student, parent(s) or guardian(s) within three (3) school business days of concluding the hearing. The District’s hearing officer shall have the final authority as to the student's participation in the interscholastic sports program or the student leader's participation.
Concussion Protocol
If an athlete is injured during practice or competition, the Athletic Trainer will evaluate the injury and recommend a course of action.
The Athletic Trainer’s recommendation may be as simple as taping an ankle, referring the student-athlete to their family physician or, in some rare cases, sending the athlete to the Emergency Room.
If an athlete has been seen by a doctor, or the Athletic Trainer has decided the athlete needs to see a doctor, they cannot return to practice/competition until they have a signed note, from a Physician (Chiropractors and Physical Therapist’s do not count) that clearly describes the injury and states that the injured athlete is cleared to resume full athletic participation.
WIAA Rule 18.13.3 “to resume participation following an illness and/or injury serious enough to require medical care, a participating student must present to the school officials a physicians medical release.”
If an athlete participates without providing a Physicians note, that athlete is an ineligible player which can result in forfeits of any games that athlete participated in.
An Injured athlete cannot return to practice/competition until the Athletic Trainer clears him/her for participation, regardless of physicians note.
Athletes returning to participation after prolonged rehabilitation and inactivity must have an appropriate number of practices prior to full participation.
Concussion Management
- If an athlete is suspected to have sustained a head injury, the Athletic Trainer will evaluate the athlete for a concussion.
- Per the Zackery Lystedt Law in the state of WA, “if concussive signs/symptoms are present any athlete under the age of 18 must be removed from participation for the remainder of the day.”
- If no concussive symptoms are present and the evaluation shows no sign of a concussion per the Athletic Trainer’s testing, the athlete can return to participation.
- If an athlete has been evaluated for a concussion and held out due to concussive symptoms, the Athletic Trainer will contact a parent with instructions on what to do when the athlete arrives home.
- The following day the athlete is required to check in with the Athletic Trainer after school for a follow-up concussion evaluation. If concussion “like” symptoms are still persistent, then the athlete is required to be evaluated by a Physician, who is trained in concussion management.
- If an athlete is being monitored for a concussion, the Athletic Trainer will communicate directly with the concussion team at the high school. This team consist of the athletic director, school nurse, student’s counselor and assistant principal, and their teachers.
- Once an athlete is seen by a Physician for a concussion, they are required to complete the Concussion Return to Play Protocol.
- Again, despite what the Physicians note states the athlete cannot be cleared to full participation until the Athletic Trainer clears him/her.
Concussion RTP Protocol
Anytime an athlete sustains a concussion/head injury we follow these guidelines to safely return the athlete to play (RTP). Concussion Management Guidelines are designed to be in accordance with the Seattle Sports Concussion Program and Zackery Lystedt Law.
- Athlete goes to their Primary Care Physician for clearance.
- When the physician clears the athlete for RTP, they are required to complete the physical activity progression before being released back to athletics.
- The athlete is required to check in with the Athletic Trainer daily to report their symptoms.
- Light aerobic activity in a controlled environment (i.e. 20 min of a stationary bike) may be initiated by the Athletic Trainer, research has shown this to aid in concussion recovery
- Full Return to Learn must occur first before the additional Return to Play steps are completed.
- This includes working in the classroom without restrictions or return of symptoms.
- Once they have reported to be symptom free for 24 hours after full Return to Learn, the ImPact test will be administered.
- The ImPact test is a computerized neurocognitive assessment tool used to evaluate and manage concussions. The athlete’s post injury test score can be compared to their baseline test scores, if they have taken the test prior to injury. If they do not have a baseline test, we will compare their scores to normative data.
- The ImPact test results are sent to a neurologist, for review. The neurologist emails the athletic trainer back with any concerns/red flags the test might have highlighted as an area of concern. If there is nothing of concern the neurologist will release the athlete to begin the 3-step in the physical activity progression.
- The 3-step physical activity progression is as follows:
- Step 1- 20 min on a stationary bike, elliptical, treadmill, etc. AND a workout with the Athletic trainer
- Step 2- Non-contact sport specific practice
- Step 3- Contact practice
- Only one step can be completed per day and if any symptoms arise the activity is stopped immediately and attempted again the next day.
- Once all of these steps are completed the athlete will be released for full participation in athletics with no restrictions.
Note: If an athlete sustains a concussion the Athletic Director, school nurse, coaches, athlete’s counselor, and teachers are notified of the injury. They are given specific instructions of what a concussion is and the signs/symptoms to look for. In addition, if modifications in the classroom are needed due to prolonged concussion symptoms, that can be facilitated as well.
Our concussion management and RTP progression is developed using the guidelines outlined by: The 4th International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport, the NATA Sport Concussion Position Statement, and the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association
Air Quality Monitoring and Response
While it is highly unlikely the District would cancel classes or school for air quality, we will make schedule or program changes to ensure the safety of our school communities. This includes changes to outdoor recess, other outdoor activities, and outdoor sports.
The District follows the Department of Health (DOH) air quality index (AQI) levels and guidance to inform our decisions impacting the health of our students and staff.
Conditions change quickly and are widely variable across the District, and schools have the authority to keep students inside if they feel it is wise. If there is a program or schedule change at your student’s school, you will be notified by the school or athletic director.
You can monitor air quality via regionally placed sensors. Use the search field in the upper right hand corner to locate the sensor associated with your child’s school.
- East Region Schools: Type Woodinville High School into the search field
- North Region Schools: Type North Creek High School into the search field
- South Region Schools: Type Moorlands Park into the search field
- West Region Schools: Type Bothell High School into the search field
Please keep in mind for athletic events, the location of the event will be used to determine if a schedule change is necessary.
Summary of air quality index (AQI) levels and schedule adjustments
- Modified practice if the AQI range is 101-150
- Move practice indoors if AQI is 151 or above
- For competition, soccer, football, cross country or other high intensity outdoor activities may be canceled if AQI is 101 or higher
- Limit recess to moderate intensity activities outside when AQI range is 101-150
- Outdoor recess is not allowed when the AQI exceeds 151.
How does Northshore sustain strong indoor air quality in our school buildings?
- When air quality is in the good to moderate range we have the outside air dampers on our HVAC systems set to adjust from 100% open to 20% open based on outside temperature.
- When air quality is forecasted to be in the unhealthy category, we set the outside air dampers on our HVAC systems to 20%. This significantly reduces the amount of outside air being drawn into the building while still providing a minimum of outside air.
- If air quality reaches unhealthy levels, staff close the outside air dampers and increase fan speeds to keep air circulating at high levels.
- All air entering the building through the HVAC system is filtered. HVAC filters utilized in the district filter out smoke particles.