



Washington formally adopted the Mathematics K–12 Learning Standards, which are based on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. These standards include content standards for each grade level as well as the Standards for Mathematical Practice which describe essential mathematical habits of mind and action that should pervade mathematics curriculum and pedagogy.

Family Guides for K-12 Math

The NSD Family Guides for Mathematics give students and families and overview of the major work for each grade level/course. Visit to view the NSD Mathematics Family Resources including the Family Guides for Mathematics. Students must login using their district Google account to access these resources. 


Math teacher lecturing about graphing circles

Our vision of student learning for mathematics in Northshore School District for all students to build a strong conceptual foundation for mathematical thinking, providing learning opportunities in a positive, safe, and inclusive environment in which all students can confidently explore, question, create, solidify, communicate, and apply mathematical ideas. We will pursue growth for every student, endeavoring to eliminate the outcome and opportunity gaps within our culturally and cognitively diverse population.  Educators will empower students to make informed and thoughtful decisions which will guide them towards becoming math-minded citizens and productive members of their community.

We envision mathematics classrooms where all students and teachers:

  • engage deeply in collaborative conversations and in actively learning mathematics;
  • challenge, discuss, and stretch their thinking to form new connections within mathematics, across content areas and to the real world;
  • think critically to solve problems, building a strong conceptual foundation for mathematical thinking and communication in multiple ways;
  • have access to rigorous, equitable, diverse, and developmentally responsive curriculum that utilizes investigation and problem solving;
  • use the tools of mathematics including technology flexibly and efficiently;
  • show perseverance, resilience, and independence;
  • are empowered to take risks and cultivate a growth mindset;
  • use standards and student needs drive instructional decisions; and
  • are progressing toward college and career math readiness.

Core Instructional Materials

Adopted Curriculum
  • Grades K-5:
    • Math Expressions - adopted 2009 and updated in 2013. The program is aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.
    • K-5 Math Expressions eStudent Editions (students must login using their district Google account to access)
  • Grades 6-8:
  • Grades 8-11:
    • Prentice-Hall Algebra/Geometry/Algebra 2 - adopted 2009 for Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 courses



Secondary Math Pathways

Students and families should carefully consider potential post-high school plans as students select math courses. Choosing courses thoughtfully as early as middle school will ensure that students receive the level of math instruction required for their college major or other post-secondary track. Please speak with your child's math teacher or counselor for more guidance.

Middle School Pathway


5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade


Math 5

Pre-Algebra 1

Pre-Algebra 2

Algebra 1 or Math 8


Grade 5 EAP & students receiving HiCap accelerated math services

Algebra 1


Algebra 2-Trigonometry

C Grade 5 HiCap students in regular classroom & students who received HiCap designations this school year

Pre-Algebra 2

Algebra 1 Geometry

Download Middle School Pathways PDF

High School Pathway


9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade


Algebra 1


Algebra 2

Precalculus or AP Statistics



Algebra 2 or Alg2-Trig


AP Calculus AB or AP Statistics

C Precalculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC *options vary by school




AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, or IB Higher Level Math

*Options after AP Calculus BC vary by school. Contact your school to determine your course options.

Download High School Pathways PDF 


Assessments for Learning


Student progress in mathematics at the elementary and middle school levels is monitored using the i-Ready Math Assessment according to the following schedule:

  • Kindergarten: Winter and Spring
  • Grades 1-8: Fall, Winter and Spring

Students in grades 3-8 and grade 10 take the Smarter Balanced assessment in mathematics each spring during the last 12 weeks of the school year.


Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements
  • 1.0 Credit: Algebra 1
  • 1.0 Credit: Geometry
  • 1.0 Credit: Student Choice*

*This credit is chosen by the student and is based on their interest and High School & Beyond Plan.

Parent Resources

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Subject Areas