Washington formally adopted the Mathematics K–12 Learning Standards, which are based on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. These standards include content standards for each grade level as well as the Standards for Mathematical Practice which describe essential mathematical habits of mind and action that should pervade mathematics curriculum and pedagogy.
Our vision of student learning for mathematics in Northshore School District for all students to build a strong conceptual foundation for mathematical thinking, providing learning opportunities in a positive, safe, and inclusive environment in which all students can confidently explore, question, create, solidify, communicate, and apply mathematical ideas. We will pursue growth for every student, endeavoring to eliminate the outcome and opportunity gaps within our culturally and cognitively diverse population. Educators will empower students to make informed and thoughtful decisions which will guide them towards becoming math-minded citizens and productive members of their community.
We envision mathematics classrooms where all students and teachers:
- engage deeply in collaborative conversations and in actively learning mathematics;
- challenge, discuss, and stretch their thinking to form new connections within mathematics, across content areas and to the real world;
- think critically to solve problems, building a strong conceptual foundation for mathematical thinking and communication in multiple ways;
- have access to rigorous, equitable, diverse, and developmentally responsive curriculum that utilizes investigation and problem solving;
- use the tools of mathematics including technology flexibly and efficiently;
- show perseverance, resilience, and independence;
- are empowered to take risks and cultivate a growth mindset;
- use standards and student needs drive instructional decisions; and
- are progressing toward college and career math readiness.
Core Instructional Materials
- Grades K-5:
- Math Expressions - adopted 2009 and updated in 2013. The program is aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.
- K-5 Math Expressions eStudent Editions (students must login using their district Google account to access)
- Grades 6-8:
- Core Focus on Mathematics - adopted 2018
- 6-8 Math Parent Resources (students must login using their district Google account to access)
- Grades 8-11:
- Prentice-Hall Algebra/Geometry/Algebra 2 - adopted 2009 for Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 courses
Family Guides for K-12 Math
The NSD Family Guides for Mathematics give students and families and overview of the major work for each grade level/course. Visit bit.ly/NSDfamilymath to view the NSD Mathematics Family Resources including the Family Guides for Mathematics. Students must login using their district Google account to access these resources.
Washington State High School Math Credit Requirements
Washington state requires that students earn at least three credits of math (RCW 28A.230.090):
1.0 Credit of Algebra I
1.0 Credit of Geometry
1.0 Credit of high school-level math course that meets the student's education and career goals identified in the student's high school and beyond plan
Most four year colleges and universities prefer that students complete four years of math in high school.
Students have a variety of different math course pathways and acceleration options in middle and high school to support their education and career goals and prepare them to successfully complete these graduation requirements.
Transition from Elementary to Middle School: Math Enrollment
Northshore School District math program follows the Washington State Standards. These learning standards relate to one another, both within and across grades, and outline a coherent math progression to foster a smooth transition from elementary school to middle school mathematics. Students entering middle school will be enrolled in the next math course in their learning sequence.
High School Math Pathways and Acceleration Options
Students have a variety of different math course pathways and acceleration options in high school.
Students who successfully complete Algebra 1 before they enter high school will not need further acceleration to access Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level as part of their High School and Beyond Plan. Students who complete Algebra 1 in high school may choose to accelerate in order to access AP or IB Higher Level courses their senior year.
Middle School Math Pathways and Acceleration Options
Students have a variety of different math course progressions and acceleration options in middle school to prepare them to successfully complete Algebra 1. Click the button below for more information about:
- Middle school math pathways to Algebra 1 in 8th grade
- Middle school math pathways to Algebra 1 in 9th grade
- Accelerated middle school math pathways