King County Library Online Student Accounts
In an effort to increase student access to KCLS’ online resources, KCLS maintains special library accounts in its system for all students in the district so they may seamlessly log in from school, home or any computer or device. Students who already have a traditional KCLS library card will continue to be able to use it to checkout materials from the public library and use in-library computers. This new arrangement between Northshore School District and KCLS will supplement the traditional library card and improve each student’s ability to access KCLS online research tools as part of their school work. The special student accounts will:
- Be easy for students to remember. The account number will utilize each student’s school ID number preceded by Northshore School District number 417.
- Give each student seamless access. Students will be able to use the array of databases, downloadable materials (through Overdrive) and online homework help services offered by KCLS without needing a physical card.
- Not accrue fines or fees. Since students will only be able to access electronic materials it won’t be necessary for students to track due dates.
Teachers throughout the district will additionally be able to utilize the many resources available through KCLS to complement their curriculum and build students’ experience and expertise utilizing library resources.
Parents who do not wish for their child to be included in the program, should call or visit their student’s school office.
We’re truly looking forward to this ongoing collaboration between the King County Library System and Northshore School District as both organizations are committed to providing resources and services that help our students succeed.