Curriculum Materials Directory
In response to requests that the Northshore School District's approved core and supplemental curriculum be available to the public, we have created the Curriculum Materials Directory. The directory can be searched by grade level, subject category, title, author, and other search criteria.
Some tips for searching in the directory:
- You can set search parameters to a specific content area (Math, Social Studies, etc.) and grade level. More than one content area and grade level may be selected in one search.
- It is best not to select a large number of search parameters in one search, as this could limit the results. Selecting a couple of data points, such as content area and grade level, will return more results. Selecting too many search parameters could narrow down the results too much and not return materials that might match the intended outcome.
- Avoid typing in a complete title - use a few key words instead - as the title in the database may differ slightly from what was entered in the search, and therefore could show as "not found".
- Lastly, there is a known issue with using an apostrophe (') in a title or author search. If a title or author's name contains an apostrophe, do not enter it in your search. Example: The novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest would not be found if entered that way. However, searching on One Flew, or even just Cuckoo, will return a result. Similarly, if O'Brien was entered in the author's name field, no result would be found. But entering just Brien would return results for authors with the name O'Brien.
Please note: this is only a listing of approved curriculum. Often, materials require a subscription or a license for use. If you are interested in accessing materials to support your student, please visit Clever or contact your school directly.
The website is currently undergoing upgrades to enhance its performance and features
Parent/Guardian Request for Reconsideration
A parent/guardian wishing to request reconsideration of the use of specific instructional materials in the Northshore School District must complete the CMAC Form 2020F-5 Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials.The requestor will deliver the completed reconsideration request form to the school principal, who will forward the form to the Chair of CMAC. For a complete description of the reconsideration process, please read the Challenged Materials Process Overview document.