Internet Safety and Citizenship
All Northshore staff believe in the importance of empowering students to engage with digital content and platforms to meet learning goals.
A critical element in leveraging technology for learning is the development of Digital Citizenship skills. A Digital Citizen is one who:
- Understands human, cultural and societal issues related to technology and practices legal and ethical behavior.
- Advocates and practices safe, legal and responsible use of information and technology.
- Exhibits a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
- Demonstrates personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
- Exhibits leadership for digital citizenship.
All students in Northshore receive annual instruction on Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety. Our adopted curriculum, Common Sense Media's Digital Literacy and Citizenship Program, supports students as they make decisions about appropriate online behavior, using personal devices, and interact with other individuals on social networking websites. The CSM curriculum also emphasizes CyberBullying awareness and appropriate response. You can find many more articles, videos, and other support resources on the Common Sense Media website.
You might also find the resources at Netsmartz to be helpful when talking to your student about Digital Citizenship.
- How can I support my student at home with responsible use of technology?
- How can I encourage a balanced use of technology for my student?
- What guidelines can I implement for media use for my student(s)?
- What apps might my student be using that could be risky?
- Who can I talk to at school about Technology Use?
- Can someone present to my PTA/PTO/Parent Group on this topic?
- Where can I read about this issue further?
- How do I protect myself from phishing?