Family Registration for ParentSquare

Below is an overview of the three different ways you can activate your account in ParentSquare.

You may also view the Getting Started - English or Getting Started - Spanish PDF guides for additional tips.

Please note: You do not have to take any action to receive emails, texts, or phone calls, but when you activate your ParentSquare account by creating a password, you will open up many additional opportunities.


Option 1

Activate your account from the email or text message sent by your school.

Your school will send an invitation email or text to join ParentSquare. Users can click the link to activate their accounts.

After clicking the link, you will need to enter the email address or phone number you have on record with your school.

You will be sent an email or text confirmation to ensure you have access to the email account listed. Please follow the instructions on this confirmation message to complete your account activation.

Picture of what activation looks like once families join ParentSquare


Option 2

Activate your account on the ParentSquare website

Use the email account or phone number you have on record with your school to activate a new account.

You will be sent an email or text confirmation to ensure you have access to the email account/phone listed. Please follow the instructions on this confirmation message to complete your account activation.

screenshot of ParentSquare sign up/ create password page


Option 3

Activate your account on the ParentSquare mobile app:

Note: If your email or phone number is not recognized by ParentSquare, you can 'Request Access' or call your school office and ask them to update your contact information.

1) Open up the ParentSquare App. Enter your email or cell phone number. The email and/or cell phone number should match what is in your school's information system or database.

2) Next, create your password and confirm your password. Click Continue.

3)You will receive a registration code via email or text. Enter your registration code and click Verify. This will take you to your ParentSquare home feed!