Clever, Schoology, and Seesaw

Clever, Schoology, and Seesaw are our district's core learning services.  These tools ensure a smooth and consistent process for conducting teaching and learning activities.  

Clever: Your Gateway to District Applications

With many different tools, it can be challenging to find the correct link and password. To that end, Northshore has implemented Clever, a one-stop solution for students to find and access their applications, including the Schoology and Seesaw learning management systems.

In past years, the Clever family portal was also available to families. Clever has discontinued support for the family portal. 

Schoology: Our Learning Management System

Schoology is our District's main learning management system. This tool provides students, parents/guardians and teachers a way to engage with learning materials from home, in the classroom and beyond. Families are able to access course materials, grades, calendars and more!

Students access Schoology by first logging in to Clever and then clicking on the Schoology tile.

Parent and guardian accounts are accessed directly from the Schoology website or the mobile app. See the directions below for information on setting up and accessing your Parent/Guardian account.

Seesaw: Organized Learning for Little Learners

Seesaw is the learning management system we use for our youngest learners (K - 5th grade).  It provides a robust way for parents and caregivers to engage with teachers and their student's learning activities.

Students access Seesaw through the Seesaw tile in Clever.

Families can create their own Seesaw account to see their student's Seesaw journal. Please contact your child's teacher if you do not have access.

Still need help?

If you need technical assistance, please complete our Family Support Request form.  A technician will reach out to you to help.