Submit an E-Flyer
The District receives many requests from local non-profit organizations to distribute program flyers. District policy 4320 specifies that such information must relate to schools, school programs, or non-school programs offered by non-profit organizations that, in the District's opinion, have social, recreational or educational value to students. Non-profit, charitable and civic organizations are allowed to distribute e-flyers to students and families through the District’s platform.
Guidelines for E-flyers
- Produced by a non-profit, non-commercial organization operating for youth serving or appealing to youth districtwide.
- Must be student focused.
- Be non-commercial, secular, free of objectionable advertising and contain no requests for donations or solicitations of service
- Be free of objectionable advancement of the name, product or special interest of the sponsoring organization
- Must only be 1 page.
- All flyers must have the District's disclaimer printed on the top of the flyer in 10 pt. font:
- These activities are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Northshore School District or any of its schools. The district assumes no responsibility for the conduct during or the safety of the activities. Northshore School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials including attorney's fees and judgment or awards
Accessibility Requirements
We are committed to providing access to all individuals regardless of ability as well as support language access for our diverse Northshore community.
- All submitted PDFs must meet accessibility requirements in order to be approved for distribution. Visit Adobe's website for creating accessible PDFs.
Ready to Submit?
To submit an e-flyer for approval, please provide the following:
- Have a PDF of your flyer
- Flyers must be accessible
- Please see the Accessibility Requirements above.
- Please reduce the file size to optimize quick downloads for families
- Click the button
- Answer all questions on the form
- Upload your flyer along with proof of non-profit status.
- There is a 20 MB upload limit
- Different flyer topics will not be accepted as one submission. Please submit a new form for each different flyer.
Posting & Delivery Timeline
- Once you submit your flyer, it's automatically routed to the District for approval.
- Flyers are approved for two weeks at a time. If you would like your flyer posted and distributed for more than two weeks, please resubmit your flyer.
- Please submit flyers no more than a week in advance of your desired posting date.
- Approved E- flyers will be posted on the website and included in the District's Connections Newsletter the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month beginning September 9 and ending May 23, excluding school holidays.
- The District makes no guarantees, implied or otherwise, concerning the timeliness of E-flyer posting.
Please email with any questions or concerns.