Connections: March 11, 2024

Connections: March 11, 2024

Northshore School District logo in blue

Connections Newsletter


March 11, 2024

Dear Northshore Community: 

March 11 - 15, 2024 is Education Support Professionals Week (formerly Classified Week), and an opportunity to recognize all of the contributions of our dedicated classified staff here in Northshore. To our classified staff - this week we honor you for the many contributions you make to the well-being and education of our students. Whether you drive a school bus, prepare nutritious meals, provide small group instruction, maintain school grounds and facilities, support students when they aren’t feeling well, repair vehicles or manage a busy school office, you are essential to providing our students with an excellent education. Your work is seen and deeply appreciated. Thank you for all that you do every day. 

This is a busy week and includes a number of 2024-25 Budget Development updates. 

  • The Washington state legislative session concluded last Thursday, March 7. Many of our staff, labor partners, Board Directors, students, and community partners have been tirelessly advocating for our students. I am so grateful for their support and efforts. As shared before, modest revenue increases will be received by Northshore, estimated at $1.6 million. These new investments will help backfill funding for para educators, increased operational costs (e.g., utilities, fuel, etc.), and the District's budget reserve.
  • This evening, March 11, the ratified contracts for NSEA (certified staff and educational support professionals), NEOPA (office managers and secretaries), and NNRAP (district management and supervisors) agreements will go before the School Board for review and action. The 4 p.m. regular School Board meeting will be public and live-streamed. You can find the live stream on the School Board webpage.
  • After the March 11 Board Meeting concludes, staff will host a 2024-25 Budget Development Study Session. Non-bargained areas of the 2024-25 budget reduction will be revisited with the School Board as well as the areas we are recommending are preserved in response to student, family, and staff feedback. 
  • On March 12, 2024 from 6-7:30 p.m. the School Board will host Conversations with the Board. The meeting will be held at Leota Middle School in the library. This is an opportunity to learn more about the 2024-25 Budget Development process, state advocacy activities, and participate in a two-way dialogue with School Board Directors. 
  • On March 12, I will send a communication summarizing the 2024-25 School Year Budget reductions and next steps. 

As a life-long educator my heart is very heavy this week as we continue our phased reduction of programs, services, and positions for the 2024-25 school year. I am saddened by how this situation impacts our students, their families, and our staff and wish there were other options available to us. I have been and continue to be committed to transparency throughout our 2024-25 Budget Development process. You can learn more about the 2024-25 Budget Development process and why Northshore needs to make budget reductions on the District website.

Northshore is not alone in these challenges. All districts are struggling similarly, with a number unable to balance their budget and entering binding conditions for the next school year. This means the state and local Educational Service District will take a more active role in monitoring their district budgeting - taking away local control in response to community needs. We have been making hard sacrifices over the last two years to avoid a similar loss of local choice, and we are grateful to our labor partners who have worked with district staff to address our budget deficit. 

I am committed to keep telling the story of Northshore and our incredible community. Ample funding of education is the state’s paramount duty and one the state legislators are failing to fulfill. Our students, their families, and our staff deserve so much better. 

In partnership, 

Michael Tolley


News & Updates


2023-24 School Year Calendar Updated with Inclement Weather Dates

Please update your calendar! Due to the two inclement weather days affecting the Northshore School District this winter (Jan. 17 and 18, 2024), school will now be in session as a full day on Friday, May 24 and Monday, June 24. The last day of school is now Tuesday, June 25 with an early release. Dismissal times on the last day of school vary and will be communicated with families directly from the school. Download the updated 2023-24 one-page calendar on our website.

National Merit Finalists Announced for Class of 2024
Photos of 11 Northshore students who were named National Merit Finalists

Congratulations to Northshore’s 11 seniors named National Merit finalists in February! The students are: Wiley Case and Shunzo Hida from Bothell High School; Justin Huang, Meredith Nam, Helen Shen, Bennett Ye, and Daniel Zhang from Inglemoor High School; Saanika Fadia and Sushmita Musunuri from North Creek High School; and Satvik Kabbur and Allan Xuan from Woodinville High School. These Northshore students are among the 15,000 students from across the country now being considered for a number of National Merit scholarships. Learn more about this honor on our website.

Winter Sports Student-Athletes Excel at State

Congratulations to all of our winter sports student-athletes for remarkable seasons. A number of students and teams went on to compete at the state competition, and the following finished in top spots: Bothell High cheer team (finished in 1st place), Woodinville High gymnastics (finished in 2nd place), Woodinville High girls basketball (finished in 4th place), Bothell High girls basketball (finished in 6th place), as well as individual student-athletes in gymnastics, boys swimming, and wrestling. To see a list of achievements at state, please visit our website.


Northshore Students Compete at State DECA Conference

Washington DECA’s State Career Development Conference (SCDC) took place Feb. 29 - March 2 in Bellevue. Over the course of the conference, hundreds of industry judges and DECA volunteers assess and evaluate thousands of DECA students in competitive events. Northshore School District high school students competed against more than 4,500 students from Washington and did an outstanding job. Twelve students finished first in the state in their competitive events. More than 100 students from Northshore high schools finished in the top 10 in their events and will have an opportunity to compete at the International Career Development Conference in California in April. Congratulations to these students for achieving this honor!

Registration Now Open for Northshore Cricket

Northshore Cricket will launch in April for interested students in middle and high school. This volunteer-driven program gives students a chance to try cricket, a sport quickly gaining popularity in the U.S. Interested families should register their student(s) by Friday, March 22, to help us build teams. We will launch Northshore Cricket with a coaching session for students who are playing for the first time. The date and time for the coaching session will be announced soon. The tournament will begin in mid-April and run through the middle of May. Learn more about Northshore Cricket on the registration website. We look forward to seeing you on the pitch!

Celebrate National Youth Art Month

March is National Youth Art Month. To celebrate visual arts in Northshore, art from students in grades 6-12 from around the District is now on display at the Administrative Center, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway in Bothell. Coordinators have created a video showcasing some of the art on display for the community to enjoy.

High School Seniors: Deadline is March 15 for the Scholarship Foundation of Northshore

The Scholarship Foundation of Northshore is accepting applications from current high school seniors for spring 2024 scholarships. The deadline to apply is March 15, 2024. Visit to view the opportunities available, which cover areas such as arts/music, business, education, healthcare, occupational/vocational, STEM, and more. The Scholarship Foundation of Northshore provides annual awards to deserving graduates of the Northshore School District’s high schools, distributing scholarships valuing more than $4.3 million to over 2,270 students since 1984. Learn about the scholarships available this year.

Coming Summer 2024: New Classrooms on the Bothell High Campus
Graphic with purple school building and two people standing in front with text "Building Better Together: Bothell High School Modular Building Project - A Peek Inside Construction"

To accommodate school and program needs, and to replace aging portables in the District, planning and offsite construction is currently underway for the Bothell High School campus to receive a 6-classroom modular building, tentatively scheduled to be installed during the summer for use during the 2024-25 school year. This project is currently in the permitting process with the City of Bothell while site preparation takes place, and the modular building is being constructed in sections by Pacific Mobile Structure, Inc., to be relocated and fully installed on campus when ready. Read more about this project and view walk-through videos of the structures under construction on our website.

Now Enrolling: Northshore Preschool Programs for 2024-25

Northshore preschool programs are now enrolling children ages 3-5 for the 2024-25 school year. If you know a family who might be interested, please share this information. The preschool years are among the most critical in a child's life that influence learning. Available preschool programs include both FREE and tuition-based options. Eligibility is determined by the child’s age, family income, and opportunity gaps. These programs are located at Sorenson Early Childhood CenterWoodmoor Elementary, and Arrowhead Elementary. Spaces will be filled on a first come, first serve basis for eligible families. Families are encouraged to complete an application as soon as possible. Information provided on the application is confidential and used only to determine a child’s eligibility for the programs. The District does not require, check, or report on immigration or DSHS status. View the applications for income-eligible free preschool or learn more


Northshore’s Spring Social-Emotional Learning Survey

Northshore School District believes that for all students to be successful, they must feel a sense of belonging and personal connection to our school communities. We are committed to providing our students the services and support needed to achieve this goal. Students’ perception and feedback on how they experience well-being, safety and relationships, and school climate and culture is vitally important to ensuring supportive school environments for each and every Northshore student.  

This month we will be asking our students in grades 3-12 to take a brief survey to tell us about their experience with their school. To ensure we continue to provide high-quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for their futures, we need their feedback.

The survey window will be from March 18-April 5, and each school will determine when they will implement the survey. Students will take the survey online during school. This is the second and final survey window for the school year. Learn more about the survey and Social-Emotional Learning in Northshore.


K-12 School Enrollment Options for the 2024-25 School Year

There is still time to consider your student's enrollment options in the Northshore School District, with several opportunities in the coming weeks.

Information sessions will be hosted to learn more about Northshore Family Partnership, serving grades K-8, on the following dates:

Information sessions to learn more about Northshore Online Academy for grades 1-11 have also been scheduled to take place on Zoom. (All sessions will use the same Zoom link:

  • Wednesday, March 27, 5-6 p.m.
  • Wednesday, May 8, 6-7 p.m.

For additional information, please visit NFP and NOA’s enrollment website.

Inglemoor High School, located in Kenmore, provides a rigorous and inclusive learning environment for high school students. In addition to offering all of the academic and social benefits of a comprehensive high school, Inglemoor provides a number of unique learning opportunities for 9-12th grade students. Inglemoor is currently accepting waivers from Northshore students interested in attending the high school but who live outside the school attendance boundaries. Learn more about Inglemoor’s programs, including AVID, Engineer/Design Technology Program, and International Baccalaureate, and its waiver enrollment process.

See opportunities to learn more about Inglemoor’s IB program in the Upcoming Events section below. 

Innovation Lab High School may be the place for your student if they are interested in experiencing a learning environment focused on tackling real-world problems,  gives students the opportunity to master critical 21st century skills, and that challenges every student to find meaningful ways to demonstrate and apply their learning. The school’s emphasis on student voice and community fosters a sense of agency and belonging for each student. ILHS’ rigorous, mastery-based learning prepared its inaugural class of 2023 graduates well for their next steps, with more than two-thirds of graduates pursuing higher education and the rest entering the workforce. Learn about Innovation Lab’s application process.

See opportunities to learn more about Innovation Lab High School in the Upcoming Events section below. 


Community E-Flyers

Below are links to community E-flyers that were recently approved for sharing with District families. These activities are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Northshore School District or any of its schools. 

The District assumes no responsibility for the conduct during or the safety of the activities. Northshore School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials including attorney's fees and judgment or awards.


Board News


The Northshore Board of Directors represents all of our families and residents, and board members encourage you to learn more and get engaged in the business of the District. In this section you will find information about school board meetings, including some of the topics that will be discussed and information about past meetings. Links are included for more information. 

Upcoming Meetings and Topics

  • Monday, March 11 at 4 p.m. Regular Meeting of the Board (see the agenda)
    • Business includes: Review and action on the 2024-26 Collective Bargaining Agreements between the Northshore School District and Northshore Education Association, NSD and Northshore Educational Office Professionals Association, and the 2024-29 tentative agreement between NSD and Northshore Non-Represented Administrative Personnel. Review of the monitoring report for Superintendent Parameter 10 - Technology.
  • Monday, March 11 at 5:30 p.m. Study Session of the Board (Study Session will begin after the conclusion of the Regular Meeting) (see the agenda)
    • Focus of this Meeting: 2024-25 Budget Development
  • Tuesday, March 12 from 6-7:30 p.m. Conversations with the Board at Leota Middle School Library
    • Topic: 2024-25 Budget Development

Past Meeting Highlights

  • Feb. 26 Study Session of the Board (see the agenda and draft minutes)
    • Focus of this Meeting: Goal 2 - Responsible, Resilient, Empathetic Learners
  • Feb. 26 Regular Meeting of the Board (see the agenda and draft minutes)
    • Business includes: Second review and approval of a resolution on the sale of bonds, review of monitoring report for Goal 2 - Responsible, Resilient, Empathetic Learners, and other regular business.


Upcoming Events


International Baccalaureate Information Night on Thursday, March 14

Is your 8th grader globally minded? Do they value inquiry? Thinking? Reflection? Do they see themselves as open-minded risk takers? Ninth graders beginning their International Baccalaureate path at Inglemoor High School start by taking Pre-IB classes that prepare them for the opportunities that lie ahead. The International Baccalaureate Program at Inglemoor is a two-year program that officially begins in the 11th grade year. The IB is respected by universities across the globe and is recognized as a program that develops internationally minded students who are dedicated to helping create a more peaceful world. Join the IB Diploma Coordinators at Inglemoor for a discussion on how to create a four-year plan for students who choose to take one or more IB courses. The IB Information Night for the Class of 2028 takes place Thursday, March 14 at 7 p.m. in the Concert Hall at Inglemoor High School. No RSVP required. Visit the IB program website to learn more.


Innovation Lab High Hosting ‘Pancakes with the Principal’ on March 27

Pancakes with the Principal graphic. Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 4-6pm RSVP:

New and prospective students and families are invited to an event on Wednesday, March 27 from 4-6 p.m. at Innovation Lab High School to enjoy pancakes together, participate in a meet and greet with teachers, get assistance with waiver completion, and play games and make t-shirts. RSVP at


Submissions Due for Northshore Speaks on March 31

The Northshore School District once again looks forward to showcasing Northshore Speaks, featuring original student spoken word poetry. This year’s event will take place virtually on Thursday, April 22 at 6 p.m. 

To be considered for the Northshore Speaks event, Northshore parents must submit their student’s original spoken word poems by video on behalf of their student using this form by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 31, 2024. If the student’s entry is selected, District Communications and Engagement staff will connect directly with the student and their family. Students will need their parent/guardian to complete the Northshore Speaks participation form. Please review the video format and guidelines, listed on the submission form, prior to recording your student’s video. Information on how to view this inspiring evening, designed to connect, reflect and hear diverse perspectives from our student community will be shared at a later date. 


Wall of Honor

The Wall of Honor committee invites the community to submit a nomination for Northshore School District alumni, retirees, and volunteers who have made a significant contribution to the Northshore community, state, nation, or world. The deadline for nominations for the Wall of Honor 2024 inductees is 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 5. 

Annually, the Northshore Wall of Honor recognizes the outstanding achievements of those individuals who built upon the educational foundation they received in the Northshore School District or who have made unique and lasting contributions in their adult lives to our community. For your ease and convenience, the following website can be used to submit a nomination online:



Reflections Art Reception

The PTSA will be showcasing art that was submitted by Northshore K-12 student participants on March 14. Community members are invited to attend.


Reflections Art Reception
Thursday, March 14, 2024
4:30-5:30 p.m. Quiet Session/Sensory Friendly
5:30-7:30 p.m.*

Brightwater Center, 22505 State Route 9 SE | Woodinville, WA 98072

*Carpooling is encouraged due to limited parking. PTSA has suggested arrival times posted on their website that correspond with the beginning letter of family last names to assist with the flow of the event.

Learn more on the Northshore Council PTSA website


Northshore Schools Foundation Honors 25 Educators

In February, the Northshore Schools Foundation proudly recognized 25 outstanding educators from the Northshore School District, as nominated by parents. Each educator received a personalized message expressing gratitude for their positive impact on students' schooling and experiences. These heartfelt messages were shared throughout the community, spreading appreciation for the educators' dedication and contributions.

The honorees' commitment to excellence and dedication to the educational success of every child exemplifies the core values of the Northshore School District. Beyond the classroom, these educators serve as inspiration for our community! The Foundation is thankful for the opportunity to honor these educators and celebrate their positive influence on students' lives. Learn more by visiting the Foundation’s website.

Important Dates


Key Dates

Mar. 13 - Wednesday Early Release
Mar. 20 - Wednesday Early Release
Mar. 25 - School Board Meeting 7 p.m.
Mar. 27 - Wednesday Early Release
Apr. 3 - Wednesday Early Release
Apr. 5 - Third Quarter Ends
Apr. 8-12 - Spring Break, No School


Other Religious and Cultural Observances

Mar. 10-April 9 - *Ramadan
Mar. 19 - Nowruz (Persian New Year)
Mar. 19 - Ostara
Mar. 24 - Palm Sunday
Mar. 24 - *Purim
Mar. 25 - International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Mar. 25 - Holi
Mar. 28 - Maundy Thursday
Mar. 29 - Good Friday
Mar. 30 - Holy Saturday
Mar. 30 - Orthodox Holy Saturday
Mar. 31 - Easter

*Begins at sundown of previous day/ends at sundown



Northshore School District is enriched by the many experiences and perspectives each individual member brings to our District and community. Therefore, our District prohibits discrimination based on age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, cognitive, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.

Civil Rights and ADA Coordinator for Staff: 
Jerred Kelly
3330 Monte Villa Parkway
Bothell, WA 98021-8972
425-408-7622 or 7604 

Title IX Coordinator: 
Jerred Kelly
3330 Monte Villa Parkway
Bothell, WA 98021-8972
425-408-7622 or 7604

The Northshore School District shall provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the District’s academic, activities, or employment programs without discrimination. In addition, the District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups in its programs and activities.

Section 504 and ADA Coordinator for Students: 
Rick Ferrell
Director of Student Services
3330 Monte Villa Parkway
Bothell, WA 98021-8972

Any Northshore School District staff and community member has the right to raise concerns or make a complaint regarding discrimination under this policy without fear of retaliation. The above-listed employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged unlawful discrimination.