Bond & Levies
2022 Election Results
Thank you, Northshore voters, for your support during the Feb. 8, 2022 special election. All three ballot measures were approved by voters.
Educational Programs & Operations Levy
Proposition 1 was approved with 60.3% yes votes.
Renewal Educational Programs & Operations Levy continues day-to-day operations that are not funded by the state. This includes providing funding for nurses, mental health counselors, academic supports, and extracurricular activities.
Capital Projects Bond
Proposition 2 was approved with 61.2% approval votes.
Capital Projects Bond will address our highest facility needs by funding additional classrooms and learning spaces to address overcrowded schools. It will also reduce our reliance on portable classrooms and make necessary repairs to our buildings.
Technology Levy
Proposition 3 was approved with 61.9% yes votes.
Renewal Technology Levy will maintain our investment in technology. From classroom tech tools and innovative learning to technology training, this levy ensures our students and staff have access to the resources to thrive in a digital learning environment.
School districts rely on voter-approved funding measures to bridge the gap between what the state funds and what it costs to support our students.
Thanks to the past generosity of our community, funding measures allowed us to provide technology to all Northshore students, make field improvements, install security cameras in schools across the district, begin construction on the new concert hall at Inglemoor and employ classified and certificated staff above what the state pays for.
Northshore Invests: Feb. 8, 2022 Ballot Measures
During the Oct. 11, 2021 board meeting, the Northshore School Board approved a resolution to place three funding measures on the Feb. 8, 2022 ballot to help us continue our work to Build Better Together: modernizing schools, sustaining technology, and increasing opportunities. Below is the combined tax rate and information on each measure.
Building Better Together: Community Voices
Students, staff, and community members talk about the excellent Northshore education experience and how we can build even better together.
Bond & Levies Informational Webinar: What's on the February 8 ballot?
Dr. Reid is joined by Tracy Patterson, Dri Ralph, Allen Miedema, and Lisa Youngblood Hall to share information and answer questions about the three measures. This webinar was held Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022.
View 2022 Bond & Levy Presentation
2022 Bond & Levy Planning Information
The Bond and Levy Planning information was produced by the ESD112 financial planner. This information was used by staff and the board when developing the 2022 ballot measures.
2018 Bond & Levies
Thank you Northshore! All three propositions on the February 13, 2018 ballot were approved by voters! Thank you to our amazing staff for the numerous evening presentations, videos and open houses and for the nights, weekends and long hours helping make sure our community understood the importance of these three propositions.
Educational Programs and Operations Levy
Proposition 1 was approved with 61.89% yes votes.
Renewal Educational Programs & Operations Levy covers basic education costs and makes up 20 percent of the district budget.
Capital Projects Bond
Proposition 2 was approved with 60.78% approval votes.
Capital Projects Bond will add much needed capacity, easing overcrowding district wide, while also addressing equity issues.
Technology Levy
Proposition 3 was approved with 61.76% yes votes.
Renewal Technology Levy will provide technology access to every student in all grades, while teaching them to be safe and responsible digital citizens.
News & Updates
Extensive work has been taking place on projects funded by the Northshore School District’s voter-approved 2022 Capital Bond. During the summer, this included projects at 23 sites in Northshore. In addition to summer construction projects, Northshore continued planning for the growth projects slated to be under construction at eight schools from school years 2024-26.
More than 150 people gathered to celebrate the official open house and ribbon cutting for the Northshore Concert Hall at Inglemoor High School on November 15, 2022.
Community members gathered on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022 to celebrate the educational spaces and learning taking place in the Skyview Middle and Canyon Creek Elementary expansion building.
If you have additional questions regarding the bond or levies, please email