2024-25 Budget Survey Findings
The District launched a budget development survey in late October 2023 to gather information and feedback on what is most important for students and should be prioritized in the budget development process. Surveying helps ensure we are meeting shared goals with the community. At the same time, surveys are just one data point to inform decision-making. The District has used this information to develop recommendations, keeping in mind some budgeted areas have required bargaining with our labor partners. The summary below was presented to the Northshore School Board during its study session on Dec. 11, 2023 (view the recording of the meeting and the presentation slide deck).
- October 30, 2023 - Invitation sent to all Northshore families and secondary students through ParentSquare
November 1, 2023 - Budget survey invitation posted to the District’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts
November 3, 2023 - Reminder sent to all Northshore families and secondary students through ParentSquare
November 8, 2023 - Deadline to complete the survey
December 11, 2023 - Analysis of survey feedback presented to the school board.
The high number of responses provides meaningful feedback that can be used in an effective way.
2,612 members of the Northshore community responded.
- 2,143 parents/guardians (82.0% of respondents)
- 297 students (11.4% of respondents)
- 172 community members (6.6% of respondents)
Demographic information was collected to take into consideration who is responding in relationship to the student population served in Northshore.
Key Findings
Respondents were asked to use a scale to rate the impact of 25 supports/areas of investment on students’ academic success. The community members’ responses are not specifically called out in the below summary, but they closely reflect the feedback received from parents/guardians.
Feedback Received from Parents and Guardians
Supports with the highest ratings, in order from the highest to the lowest:
Small class sizes; teacher-student ratio
Clean and well-maintained buildings
School safety and support
Additional classroom support
Teacher training, development
Supports with the lowest ratings:
Secondary advisory
5th-grade orchestra/band opportunities
Transportation - after-school programs
Alternatives to neighborhood schools
Dual Language Program
Feedback Received from Secondary Students
Supports with the highest ratings, in order from the highest to the lowest:
Student clubs
Clean and well-maintained buildings
Teacher training, development
Later start time - high school students
Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses and opportunities
Supports with the lowest ratings:
5th-grade orchestra/band opportunities
5th-grade camp
Elementary athletics
Alternatives to neighborhood schools
Secondary advisory
General Takeaways
- Small class sizes was the number one most-impactful support identified by parents/guardians by a large margin.
Respondents identified there is a clear overlap between academic success and well-being.
A fraction of parents/guardians expressed concerns about administration being too large and self-protective and others expressed criticism of the survey.
The community isn’t in complete agreement about all issues, with varying levels of support for alternative learning environments, seven-period days, paraeducators, highly capable programs, and athletics.
Parents/guardians want excellent education in safe, pleasant spaces. Students do as well, but are far more likely to rate clubs, seven-period day, and CTE experiences as important to their educational experience.