Listen and Learn Tour 2022-23

Between August and January 2023, Interim Superintendent Tolley implemented a comprehensive Listen and Learn tour.

The purpose of the tour was to introduce stakeholders, including staff, to the refreshed five-year Strategic Plan, grow Interim Superintendent Tolley’s knowledge of the District, and provide an intentional and inclusive structure for two-way communication with the Northshore School District community and stakeholders.

The Listen and Learn Tour reflects the Interim Superintendent’s personal commitment and strong desire to engage and learn from students, families, staff, and partners. Engagement was designed to reach stakeholders whose voices have been historically underrepresented.

The tour included a series of:

  • in-person meetings
  • key informational interviews
  • school visits
  • focus groups, and broad engagement to hear from students, staff, families, and members of the community, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

During these meetings and interviews, the Interim Superintendent listened for information from stakeholders about:

  • Strengths of the District
  • Areas of attention and improvement
  • Challenges facing the District
  • How the District can best serve families, students and or partners’ educational interests

Reporting Out

The Listen and Learn Tour provided Interim Superintendent Tolley the opportunity to share the updated Strategic Plan and listen, observe, and learn from a variety of stakeholders, including students, families, and partners, while gaining an understanding of the District’s strengths and areas of potential improvements. The tour culminated with the development of a Summary Report in 2023, outlining the Superintendent’s findings, observations, and next steps. The Listen and Learn tour is one component of the Interim Superintendent’s Entry Plan.

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