Attend a School Board Meeting

School Board Meetings

School Board meetings are meetings at which the Board conducts the business of the School District. By law, they are held in public. Anyone can attend a School Board meeting to observe the proceedings. The Northshore School District Board meetings are usually held on the second Monday of the month at 4:30 p.m. and the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. All School Board Meetings are held at the Northshore Administrative Office (3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell) in the Boardroom.

Public Comments

The Northshore School Board recognizes the value of public input on educational issues. For that reason, at each School Board meeting, there is an agenda item titled “Association and Public Comments,” during which school-related associations and members of the public are invited to give testimony. The agenda limits the comment period to one hour.

Community members who wish to make a public comment must complete the sign-in sheet upon arrival. They will be given a number and invited to speak when their name is called. While the School Board invites members of the public to share comments, the School Board will not respond to questions during the business meeting. The Board uses the public comment period as an opportunity to listen to citizen concerns, not to debate issues or enter into a question-and-answer session.

Being responsive to public concerns and questions is a priority of the board and for that reason, the board and/or superintendent will follow up after the meeting to address any questions related to District business. In addition, two-way communication opportunities with the Board are provided at other venues. Please see these additional opportunities below.

Public Comments Protocols

The Northshore School District is committed to promoting mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among school district employees, students, parents, and the general public. The School Board values and welcomes public engagement that upholds these commitments and centers on the needs of our diverse students, staff and community, to inform its deliberations. To ensure fair and orderly expression of ideas, the following protocols must be followed during public comment:

  • Provide your name, contact information and topic title on the sign-in sheet prior to the start of the Board Meeting.
  • An individual may sign up for themselves only and every individual is limited to 3 minutes.
  • Speakers may not use public comment to address confidential student or personnel matters but may submit such concerns to the Board in writing.
  • Wait to be called upon by the Board President.
  • Speakers are encouraged to provide the Board with a written copy of their comments and other appropriate supporting documentation. These documents can be submitted while signing up for public comment.
  • When called, stand and face/speak to the Board members. Do not turn and speak to the audience.
  • Please state your name and keep your comments within the three-minute limit to afford all speakers an opportunity to present.
  • Speakers are expected to treat others with respect, confining their remarks to School District issues.
  • Do not use the public speaking portions of Board meetings to initiate charges or complaints about an individual Board member or employees or students of the District. Such complaints should be presented directly to the Superintendent at
  • Do not use the public speaking portions of Board meetings to make slanderous, abusive or personal statements against any individual.  Profanity, obscene, or threatening language is not permitted. The Board President may rule any speaker out of order who makes such statements
  • The expression of controversial or differing viewpoints that may be offensive to some individuals is allowable, so long as:
    • The ideas are presented in a respectful manner at the appropriate time and place;
    • Such expression does not materially disrupt nor is expected to disrupt the process of the Board meeting.

Virtual Comments

Community members may also make live public comments virtually using Zoom. Those wanting the virtual option must sign up before 11:00 a.m. the day of the meeting. Sign up for Virtual Public Comments.

Two-way Communication with the School Board

  • You may contact School Board members directly. Email addresses and phone information can be found on the School Board Director webpage.
  • The School Board typically hosts “Conversations with the School Board,” four times a year. These are opportunities for the public to have a two-way conversation with their elected representatives. Please check back for updates on the schedule for the current school year.



Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of the month at 4:30 p.m. and the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m.


Agendas & Materials

We use an electronic school board documentation system called BoardDocs to organize meetings dates, policies, procedures, agendas, materials, and minutes.

Go to BoardDocs



Meetings are usually held in the Dr. G.E. Ricketts Board Room in Northshore's Administrative Center, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell, 98021.



For questions about agenda items or upcoming meetings, please call 425-408-7701 or send us an email.