Transportation Forms

If you are submitting a request different from your designated bus stop, (found on E-Link) please select one of the below forms. Based on you or your child's individual, academic, personal or extracurricular needs, we have a number of different transportation options.

Note: Each year we receive hundreds of requests to change bus stop locations, bus number assignments, special education transportation, and more. Please be patient as we process each request. 


Due to bus route changes for the 2024-25 school year, we are unable to accept any HiCAP/EAP sibling waiver requests. Please plan alternative transportation for waivered siblings. 

Note: We begin our approval process at the end of October/beginning of November, after we have accessed each buses capacity.  Please find an alternative mode of transportation until we contact you directly with a decision.   

Online Forms

Permission to Release Form 

Use this form to designate individuals who will meet your student at the bus stop. Bus drivers are only authorized to release kindergarten at their designated stop to a parent, pre-authorized adult or older sibling. If a designated individual is not present at the stop, students will be returned to their school at the end of the route.

Special Education Transportation and Emergency Form

This form is required of all special education families in order to transport your student. This form includes emergency contact information, specific needs that our drivers need to be aware of, and release information. As your student’s bus driver will change each year, please fill out the form as thoroughly as possible in order to set your new bus driver and your student up for a successful bus ride. 

Bus Stop Change Request Form

Use this form if you would like to inquire about adding a bus stop location or relocating your current stop on the same route.  Bus stop locations are established Washington Administrative Codes, Revised Codes of Washington, and Northshore School District Policies. Each stop is assessed for student safety and centrally located to convenience neighborhoods while maintaining efficiency.

Transportation Inquiry Form

Use this form if your student has waiver to a school outside of their designated service area, lives within the walking distance, or wants to ride a bus other than their assigned bus (e.g. dual household, daycare, etc.) Ridership may be revoked if students do not adhere to the bus rules.

Note: We begin our approval process at the end of October/beginning of November, after we have accessed each buses capacity.  Please find an alternative mode of transportation until we contact you directly with a decision.   

HiCAP/EAP Transportation Request Form

Use this form if your student is attending HiCAP/EAP school outside of their home school location. For Example: If your family lives in the Kokanee service area, your student's EAP Site is Kokanee Elementary. There is no need to fill out the transportation request form. However, if your family lives in the Cottage Lake service area and your student's EAP site is Sunrise Elementary, please fill out the transportation request form. 

eaP Site Locations

Note:  All sibling waivers must complete the transportation inquiry form. Please find an alternative mode of transportation until we contact you directly with a decision.   

Printable (PDF) Forms

Permission to Release

Use this form to designate individuals who will meet your student at the bus stop. Bus drivers are only authorized to release kindergarten students at their designated stop to a parent, pre-authorized adult or older sibling. If a designated individual is not present at the stop, students will be returned to their school at the end of the route.

Special Education Transportation and Emergency Form

This form is required of all special education families to ride the bus each year. It includes emergency contact information, specific needs that our drivers need to be aware of, and release information. As your student’s bus driver will change each year, please fill out the form as thoroughly as possible to set your new bus driver and your student up for a successful bus ride. 

Bus Stop Change Request Form

Use this form if you would like to inquire about adding a bus stop location or relocating your current stop on the same route.

Transportation Inquiry Form

Use this form if your student has waiver to a school outside of their designated service area, lives within the walking distance, or wants to ride a bus other than their assigned bus (e.g. dual household, daycare, etc.) 

Note: We begin our approval process at the end of October/beginning of November, after we have accessed each buses capacity.  Please find an alternative mode of transportation until we contact you directly with a decision.   

Printable (PDF) Form Return

Northshore School District
c/o Transportation Department
3330 Monte Villa Parkway
Bothell, WA 98021 

In Person
Please hand forms directly to school office staff.
