Student School Bus Rules
1. Cooperate and follow all directions from the driver when boarding, riding, or leaving the bus.
2. Unsafe and/or unkind behavior, including inappropriate language in any form, is prohibited.
3. Observe the same rules of conduct on the bus as in the classroom.
4. Drivers may assign seats.
5. Unless issued a bus pass by a school administrator, students shall only ride their assigned bus and disembark the bus at their assigned bus stop.
6. Arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival time and safely stand in a line away from the roadway while waiting for the bus.
7. Cross the roadway in front of the bus and after the driver signals that it is clear to do so.
8. Enter and exit the bus in an orderly manner, one seat at a time.
9. Stay in your seat facing forward at all times.
10. All belongings, including instruments, must be carried on the bus with ease and secured on the students lap. Driver pre-approval is required before larger items are allowed on the bus.
11. Certain items must remain in backpacks, such as sports equipment, toys, and cell phones.
12. Any item that may cause injury to another person is not allowed on the bus.
13. Other items not allowed on the bus are balloons, skateboards, rollerblades, glass, and animals which also include insects and fish. (Exception: Service animals, must meet district requirements).
14. Eating and drinking are not permitted (to help avoid choking and allergic reactions).
15. Restitution to NSD may be required for any damage on the bus or district property.