- Policies and Procedures
3207 Policy
Northshore School District is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents, guardians, volunteers and patrons that is free from harassment, intimidation and bullying. It strives to provide students with optimal conditions for learning by maintaining a school environment where everyone is treated with respect and no one is physically or emotionally harmed.
Discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying means any intentionally written message or image—including those that are electronically transmitted—verbal or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act:
Conflict is a natural part of life. People view things differently, have disagreements, treat each other mean at times. It is important not to label conflict/fighting as bullying. Schools use these guidelines to help determine if this is a conflict or a situation of HIB.
Please note that the school will take action in both cases.
Any student who believes he or she has been the target of unresolved, severe, or persistent harassment, intimidation or bullying , or any other person in the school community who observes or receives notice that a student has or may have been the target of unresolved, severe or persistent harassment, intimidating or bullying may report incidents verbally or in writing to any staff member. The Incident Reporting Form may be used by students, families or staff to report incidents of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Reports can be filed anonymously. Each school office has reporting forms or you can download the Incident Reporting Form from the Quick Links menu to the right.
3207 Policy
HIB Brochure
The process for handling Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying reports.
Reporting Form for HIB Incidents
The Washington HIB Prevention and Intervention Toolkit provides background information, best practice materials for program planning, classroom implementation, staff training, and additional resources for HIB prevention and intervention for districts, schools, students, families and others across Washington.
Easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism or any safety issue through SafeSchools Alert.
Parents, school staff, and other adults in the community can help kids prevent bullying by talking about it, building a safe school environment, and creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy.
Survivor Resources for Sexual Abuse and/or Sexual Harassment