All certificated employees are required to have a valid, current Washington State Educator Certificate or Temporary Permit for the grade level, subjects, or position for which they have been assigned.
It is important for certificated employees to monitor the expiration date of their certificate and know the requirements for renewing/maintaining their certificate.
The certificate or temporary permit must be on file with the Data Management Office prior to the 1st contracted work day.
E-Certification for Washington State Educators
- Apply for a Washington state teacher, administrator, educational staff associate, or career tech educator certificate
- Renew a Washington state continuing teacher, administrator, or educational staff associate certificate
- Check certificate, permit, and application status
- Apply for reissuance of residency teacher certificates
For further certification information: OSPI Certification Website
Certification & Data Management:
Human Resources Analyst
Lead Analyst
Lance Andahl
Human Resources Analyst
Certificated Employees
Cynthia Lee
Human Resources Analyst
Classified Employees
Talli Lind
Washington State
Certification Information
Professional Certification:
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
Old Capitol Building
P.O. Box 47200
Olympia WA 98504-7200
Call 360-725-6400