Performing Arts Venue Rental

Northshore School District has approved Performing Arts Venue rental rate increases for the 2024/2025 school year.

New rates will take effect for the 2024-2025 school year and will be applied to any use beginning September 1, 2024. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this adjustment.


Final charges will be determined after the event has taken place to ensure you are only invoiced for actual fees for usage, custodial overtime and/or technical services.  Rental fees are made up of three parts: Facility Fee, Custodial Fee, and Technician Fee

Facility Fee

  • Administrative fee for all activities: $35.00
  • Change fee: a $35.00 fee for revisions made to original confirmations
  • Charges for the room begin when you take access of the facility and end when the last member of your group has left the facility. 

Facility rental fees are dependent upon the type of organization wishing to rent the space.

Category Group Fee per Hour
Class A School Organizations Technical and Custodial Service Rates Apply
Class B Non-Profit Youth Groups Within Northshore $150.00
Class C Non-Profit Youth Groups Outside Northshore $165.00
Class D Non-Profit Adult Groups
(customer must send in proof
of non-profit status)
Class E Commercial & For-Profit Organizations $200.00

When planning your event please make sure to allow enough time for setup before and cleanup after your event.


Custodial Fee

The custodial fee is based on the duration of your rental, plus the time it takes to clean all rented facilities following your rental, generally an additional 1-2 hours. 

Custodial Hourly Rate (applies to all classifications)

  • Monday-Friday hourly rate: $44.00
  • Saturday hourly rate: $66.00
  • Sunday/Holiday hourly rate: $88.00


Technical Services Fee

There is a three technician minimum for all rentals (lights, sound, and stage).  The total number of technicians needed for your event will be determined when meeting with the District Theater Manager. Technicians run at a rate of $27.50 per hour each for the entire duration of your rental plus 1 hour (30 minutes before and after you access the space to open and lock up the facility).


Theater Manager
Marc King

Phone Number
