Forms for Payroll
Timesheets and Payroll forms have been moved to the Staff Toolbox - Forms Library, under Business Services Forms.
Completing Your Time Sheet
All Time Sheets
- Record and submit hours each month (1 month per timesheet). Do Not save them for a lump sum or turn them all in at end of year.
- Use pen, not pencil.
- No white out is allowed. Line out mistakes and initial/date.
- Record your 5 digit employee number.
- Make sure all areas of the form are correct and legible (including signature).
- Capital Projects budgets need the full account code. Example: 20.240/9188203220.020
- Sign and date after the work has been completed. Employee signs first, supervisor last.
- Originals only, copies can not be accepted.
Multi-Line Payform
- Only certificated staff may use this form.
- Use for 2 or more certificated employees attending the same workshop/class.
- Use only the spaces provided. You will need to add a second page for more than 15 certificated employees.
Certificated Blue Time Sheets
If the employee is filling out a blank blue timesheet for additional/activity hours, please make sure their 5 digit employee # and employee name are clearly recorded, along with year and month. In the assignment box, please record the following:
- Location
- Project description
- Account Code
- Hourly Rate
If you have questions, please contact the Payroll Office (contact information on home page).