Budget Information

F-195 Budget Document

The F-195 is the official school district budget document required by the state and is filed with the Superintendent of Public Instruction.  Annually, the F-195 must be approved by a school district's Board of Directors by August 31. 

Continuing Our Work

The District will continue our efforts to provide clarity regarding the use of our public resources.  These important resources support an education for our approximately 22,000 students.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for school districts runs September 1 through August 31.  The budget establishes maximum expenditure amounts for each fund and provides a means of measuring and guiding performance.  Northshore's budget is submitted to the school board at the first meeting in August.  After board approval, it is submitted to the Educational Service District (ESD).  Once approved at the ESD, the budget is forwarded to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for final approval.

Five Separate Funds

The Northshore School District budget is comprised of five separate funds - the General, Associated Student Body, Debt Service, Capital Projects and Transportation Vehicle Funds. 

2024/25 Budget Reports

The 2024-25 Budget was adopted at the July 8, 2024, Board of Directors meeting.

2024-25 F195  

2024-25 Four-year Budget Summary Plan

2024-25 FY Proposed Budget & Financial Plan

If you have questions, please contact cbrenengen@nsd.org

2023/24 Budget Reports

The 2023-24 Budget was adopted at the July 10, 2023, Board of Directors meeting.  

2023-24 F195 (Includes 4 Year Budget Plan)

2023-24 Strategic Financial Plan

Monthly Budget Status Reports