Special Education Services

The questions on this page were submitted before and during to a virtual Coffee with the Superintendent that took place on October, 26, 2020. Questions have been categorized for ease of reference. In addition, our Special Education Department staff have provided further clarification and additional information to those questions. If you are unable to find the answer to your question or you need additional clarification, please contact your student’s IEP case manager, building principal, or the Special Education Department.

The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has implemented a provision that allows school districts to count synchronous and asynchronous instruction towards instructional minutes. This means that any specially designed instruction, whether it is provided in-person or at home count as IEP minutes. This means specially designed instruction, including in-person instruction, synchronous remote instruction, or asynchronous learning activities provided for students to complete at home, is considered as IEP minutes. Please know that staff across our district are working to meet every student’s needs.

This information may change should new data and guidelines become available.