First Day of School -- Mark Your Calendars

First Day of School -- Mark Your Calendars

The first day of school for the 2023-24 school year for most students is Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023. Please note, it is a full day of school, not an Early Release Wednesday.

Elementary Families

  • Grades 1-5 students start Wednesday, Sept. 6.
  • Most kindergarten students will have a staggered start in support of family-parent conferences. Please refer to information from your school for more specific details about your kindergarten student's experience.

Middle and High School Families

  • Grades 6 and 9 students start Wednesday, Sept. 6 (with the exception of Innovation Lab HS and SAS -- students in all grades begin Sept. 6) 
  • All other middle and high school students will start school on Thursday, Sept 7. 

More information about your specific school or program start date will be communicated directly from your student’s school.



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