A Family Guide to Northshore's Web-based Tools and Apps

A Family Guide to Northshore's Web-based Tools and Apps

The District utilizes a number of online tools to run the operations of the District, several of which can be utilized by families when interacting with district and school staff. The chart below outlines the common tools, their purpose, and website to login.

Tool Name



ParentVUE / StudentVUE

Provides information on student attendance, class schedules, report cards, course history, graduation status, and more.

Clever, https://parentvue.nsd.org, or https://studentvue.nsd.org


A portal to quick links for families and students to easily access connected services like Touchbase, Seesaw, Final Forms, etc.

Students: https://my.nsd.org 

Families: https://family.nsd.org


Provides information about your child’s  assignments for grades 4-12.

Clever or https://nsd.schoology.com 


Provides information about your child’s assignments for Pre-K - grade 5.

Clever or https://app.seesaw.me/#/login

ParentSquare / StudentSquare

Tool for sharing District and school-based translated news and information with families. Direct email and ParentVUE may also be utilized by teachers. Teachers and other staff may also utilize ParentSquare to communicate with families.

Families: https://parentsquare.com/signin

Students can use the "Sign In with Google" option on the ParentSquare sign-in page.

Touchbase / InTouch

The District platform for accepting all payments from families except meal balances. Families can make payments to the District through Touchbase for items like program fees, student fines, ASB, and more.


LINQ Connect

The District’s platform for paying for school meals. Due to USDA federal requirements that oversee school nutrition programs, Touchbase, the District’s payment platform, cannot be used to collect school meal payments, so LINQConnect is in place for this purpose.


Final Forms

The online system for registering for middle and high school athletics. Information is saved from season-to-season and year-to-year, making the registration process quick and easy. You may also register for multiple seasons at the same time.


My Stop

The District’s application for bus route tracking. When the bus is en route, the My Stop app provides you with an estimated time of arrival for your student's school bus.



My school or class is using a tool not listed above. What else is in use in Northshore schools?

Some schools or classroom teachers have elected to use other web-based tools. With the adoption of ParentSquare (StudentSquare for students in middle and high schools) in early 2023, the District is working to reduce the number of additional tools to streamline processes for families. Some schools and teachers may currently use Remind, Class Dojo, Smore, or other systems until current subscriptions for these services expire.



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