Connections: November 12, 2024

Connections: November 12, 2024

Northshore School District logo in blue

Connections Newsletter

News from the Northshore School District

November 12, 2024

Picture of a heart that says 'thank you heroes'

Message from the Superintendent

November 12, 2024

Dear Northshore Community: 

Thank you to all of the Northshore veterans, including our parents and staff across schools and departments. Your commitment to our country is an inspiration, and we are deeply grateful for your service and personal sacrifice. 

Last Friday, our schools hosted various events to honor and celebrate our veterans in advance of Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11. From assemblies to classroom activities, our students had the opportunity to learn about the values of courage, service, and dedication. We hope these experiences will deepen their appreciation for those who have served. You can watch Canyon Creek Elementary School first-grade students’ rehearsal for their Veteran Day assembly on our Facebook page. I hope you enjoy their performance as much as I did! 

Thank you again to our families, students, and staff for attending my Listen and Learn sessions. My most recent session was with our families that speak Portuguese. It was wonderful to learn more about our families’ culture, what is going well, areas we can improve, and how the District can help foster a stronger community of parents across schools. My next Listen and Learn session will be with our Native American students and families on Dec. 3. I am grateful for our partnership with the Eastside Native American Education Program (ENAEP) and their support of this upcoming event. The full list of my Listen and Learn sessions can be found on the Superintendent Webpage

November is also Native American Heritage Month! In Northshore we recognize and honor the histories, contributions, and experiences of all Native, Indigenous, Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian peoples represented in our district community. In response, on Monday, Nov. 18, our District will host a Racial and Educational Justice Community Panel celebrating Native American Heritage, Hispanic and Latino Heritage, Hindu Heritage, and Disability History and Awareness. The community panel will take place from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Administrative Board Room, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway. All Northshore families, students, and staff are invited to attend this educational and celebratory event. 

Finally as the District works through our 2025-26 School Year Budget Development Process we are committed to transparency. The Budget Department has now launched an associated webpage where you can view a one-pager about our anticipated $6 million shortfall for the 2025-26 school year and other information. Additionally, this evening, Nov. 12, we will be providing the School Board with another Budget Study Session at 6 p.m. at the Admin Center. You can watch the session online by accessing the live stream on the Board’s webpage. The session will be archived on the Board’s webpage for future reference. And finally, next Monday, Nov. 18 the School Board will be hosting Conversations with the Board from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Canyon Park Middle School Library. This is an opportunity to have a two-way conversation with your elected Board Directors about the budget, next steps, and other topics of community interest. I hope to see you there. 

I recommend you review the Connections Newsletter below. Included in today’s edition are reminders about parent-teacher conferences, Thanksgiving break, additional details about our upcoming Conversations with the Board session, and many other important topics. 

In partnership, 

Michael Tolley



News and Updates

Complete the Northshore Mobile and Smart Devices Survey

Help shape the District's approach to personal mobile device use for students! We’re seeking input from families, students, and staff to better understand perspectives on cell phone and smart device usage in school. Your feedback is essential for developing a policy that supports learning and well-being. Please take a few minutes to complete our survey and share your thoughts. The survey will be open through Friday, Nov. 22.

Picture of a child making a snow angel.

Winter Weather Reminders

As winter weather approaches, this is a good time to remind our Northshore community about the District’s snow and hazardous road condition response. The decision to close or delay schools due to inclement weather is made by the Superintendent as early as possible, typically by 5:30 a.m. Please keep in mind, Northshore is a large district that covers over 60 square miles. While conditions may seem normal in your neighborhood, it may be unsafe in others. All of this is taken into consideration when a decision is made to cancel, delay, activate snow routes, or keep everything on a normal schedule. If the district does not make an announcement, it means schools are open and buses are operating normally. Please review this website for detailed information about the potential school schedule change options in advance so you can be prepared.


Picture of a calendar

Reminder: Check the Calendar for November Holidays, Elementary Conferences, Half Day

November is a very busy month in regards to our school calendar. We have multiple non-school days and schedule adjustments that affect all grades, elementary schools’ conferences days and special release times, and schedule changes for our early childhood programs. Don’t be the only one at school! Please take a moment to visit our website and review important dates for November.

Progress Reports and Grading Information in ParentVUE

The end of the first quarter of school means that student progress reports and mid-term grades will soon be uploaded to ParentVUE for families to review. For our families of grades 1-6 students, these progress reports will provide the foundation for your upcoming conference with your student’s teacher. Please note, only general education progress reports for grading periods are available in ParentVUE. Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will continue to receive IEP progress reports through IEP Online. Please review this website for guidance on how to access grading period progress reports in ParentVUE.

Picture of reunification drill participants talking.


Reunification Drill Conducted on Nov. 1

Northshore district administrators conducted an emergency drill on Nov. 1 that included a reunification exercise. In a real emergency situation in which public safety officials call for the evacuation of a school, students and staff members would be safely transported by bus to a designated alternate shelter location. During the Nov. 1 drill, staff members ran an exercise in which they practiced a reunification scenario using volunteers acting as the parents. This enabled district staff to practice the steps that would be necessary during a real emergency. This drill did not take place on a Northshore campus and did not directly affect students or school staff, however the experience helps better prepare the District’s response in the event of a real emergency. Thank you to our volunteer families who participated.

National School Psychology Week is Nov. 11-15

This week, we celebrate National School Psychologist Week. The Northshore School District is thankful for such a professional, passionate, and student-focused group of individuals. Our school psychologists go above and beyond every day in order to help school teams and families meet the needs of students. While the week is a time to celebrate all the ways our School Psychologists bring value to the District, we know that without their work all year, it would be difficult to ensure our students' needs are identified and then served ongoing.


Successful Students and Schools

Picture of the Inglemoor cross country team


Cross Country Athletes Compete at State Tournament

Congratulations to our student-athletes who have advanced to the state tournament for fall sports. Last weekend, students from four Northshore high schools traveled to Pasco for the cross country state tournament. Congratulations to the Inglemoor girls cross country team for finishing 5th at state in the 3A division and to each of the following student-athletes for qualifying to compete at the highest level:

  • Bothell High School: Quinten Brooks, 11th grade
  • Inglemoor High School: Cassidy Anderson, 9th grade; Aleah Coatney, 10th grade; Grace Ding, 10th grade; Lola Estrada, 9th grade; Ella Falck, 12th grade; Langley Foster, 10th grade; Laura Hagel, 12th grade; Paige Stewart, 11th grade; Lauren Vesely, 12th grade; Sammy Connell, 10th grade
  • North Creek High School: Myrte Hofman, 12th grade; Amelia Wray, 10th grade
  • Woodinville High School: Devon Tussing-Adkinson, 11th grade; Sarah Vannoy, 12th grade

Ruby Bridges staff holding the award


Ruby Bridges Elementary Staff Recognized by Education Leaders

The inclusionary practices in effect at Ruby Bridges Elementary have once again been recognized by education leaders and featured by the state. On Oct. 29, at the annual Inclusive Learning Summit, Principal Cathi Davis and the staff of Ruby Bridges were given the School Transformation award for demonstrating exceptional dedication and innovation in fostering student growth and a love of learning. This award recognizes those who go above and beyond to create a nurturing and stimulating environment where students can flourish and reach their full potential. During the summit, Ruby Bridges staff members Hannah Nguyen, Kim Broomer, Carol McCoy, and Cody Carpenter joined Principal Davis in presenting two sessions, leading participants in learning how to transform schools and how to support implementing inclusionary practices schoolwide. 


In addition, Ruby Bridges students and staff, including 2025 Washington State Teacher of the Year Kim Broomer, were featured in the recent Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction video about inclusionary practices and the state’s comprehensive inclusive education website and guide. Congratulations to the staff at Ruby Bridges for these deserved recognitions.


School Board News

Picture of the school board


Connect with the Northshore Board of Directors

The Northshore Board of Directors represents all of our families and residents, and board members encourage you to learn more and get engaged in the business of the District. In this section you will find information about school board meetings, including upcoming meetings and information about past meetings. Links are included for more information.


Upcoming Meetings and Topics

  • Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 4:30 p.m. Regular Meeting of the Board (view the agenda).
  • Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 6 p.m. Study Session of the Board (view the agenda). Topic: 2025-26 Budget Development
  • Monday, Nov. 18 from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Canyon Park Middle School Library, 23723 23rd Ave. SE, Bothell. The Northshore School Board will host Conversations with the Board, an opportunity for families, students, and staff to hear updates about the 2025-26 budget development process, ask questions, and more. Learn about the Nov. 18 Conversations with the Board on the Board’s website.


Past Meeting Highlights

  • Oct. 28 Regular Meeting of the Board (view the agenda and draft minutes). Business included: Performance review and policy review of Superintendent Parameter 9 - Equity, review and approval of the school strategic action plans for the 2024-25 school year, and other regular business.
  • Oct. 28 Study Session of the Board (view the agenda and draft minutes). The topic was Superintendent Parameter 9 - Equity.

Upcoming Events

Front of Innovation Lab High School


Innovation Lab High Hosts Winter Open House on Dec. 4

Students and families interested in learning about Innovation Lab High School are encouraged to learn more during its Winter Open House from 4-6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 4 at Innovation Lab High, 2020 224th St. SE, Bothell. If your student is interested in experiencing a learning environment focused on tackling real-world problems, that gives students the opportunity to master critical 21st century skills, and that challenges every student to find meaningful ways to demonstrate and apply their learning, then Innovation Lab may be the place for them. It’s not too early to start thinking about the 2025-26 school year, with enrollment opening in early 2025. Come to the Winter Open House to talk with students and staff, decorate cookies, take a self-guided building tour, and check out the school’s swag. Learn more at

Superintendent and Northshore Leadership Listen & Learn Sessions

Superintendent Tolley’s fall and winter Listen & Learn sessions are an opportunity to share information and hear back from families and students. School Board representatives will also be present at each session. A full list of dates are available on the Superintendent’s website, and the next sessions will take place on:

  • Tuesday, Dec. 3, 6-7:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Admin Center, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell. The focus group of attendees is the Native American community.
  • Tuesday, Dec. 10, 6-7:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Admin Center, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell. The focus group of attendees is families of students receiving Special Education services.
  • Thursday, Dec. 12, 6-7:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Admin Center, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell. This is a general session for all families. 


Below are links to community E-flyers that were recently approved for sharing with District families. These activities are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Northshore School District or any of its schools. 


The District assumes no responsibility for the conduct during or the safety of the activities. Northshore School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials including attorney's fees and judgment or awards.


Racial and Educational Justice

Native American History Month

November is Native American Heritage Month! Northshore recognizes and honors the histories, contributions, and experiences of all Native, Indigenous, Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian peoples represented in our district community. This month and always, it is important to ensure that these rich histories, stories, and futures of resilience, heritage, land, people, and community continue to thrive with each passing generation. The following resources provide helpful culturally responsive strategies and information for this month and beyond:


Thank you to our community and staff for their work to honor our Indigenous communities.

Racial and Educational Justice Community Panels

Our District will host three Racial and Educational Justice community panels this school year to gather in community for shared learning. The first community panel will take place on Monday, Nov. 18 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Administrative Center Board Room, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell. This panel’s theme will focus on celebrating Hispanic and Latino/a/x Heritage, Hindu Heritage, Disability History and Awareness, and Native American Heritage. Panelists will share about their experiences, cultures, and knowledge. Everyone is welcome to join us to celebrate and learn in community.


Partnerships & Volunteers

Volunteer Background Check Delays Due to Washington State Court System Outage

There is currently a backlog of Northshore School District volunteer background checks due to delays in the Washington State Court System. Processing time for applications will be affected for many applicants until the issues are resolved with the state courts, which is out of the District’s control. We will post updates as we receive them on the District’s Become a Volunteer website. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Flier for the event


Northshore Council PTSA’s Community Conversation

How can Northshore PTAs create diverse, equitable, and inclusive communities? Join the Northshore Council PTSA for its “Community Conversation” meeting; a space dedicated to listening, learning, and building diverse, equitable, and inclusive PTA communities. This is an opportunity to come together, share perspectives, and start meaningful conversations on how we can foster greater engagement and representation within our schools. Bring your voice, your ideas, your curiosity, and your passion for creating a more inclusive community. Please help inform and shape the Northshore Council PTSA's community-building efforts and contribute to building pathways to equity in Northshore. This meeting takes place Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. on Zoom. Register to attend the event so you can receive a link to the Zoom meeting.

Picture of Jennifer Brausse


Northshore Schools Foundation Grant Spotlight

This fall, the Northshore Schools foundation granted $37,500 to 25 Northshore schools through 37 approved projects. These grants empower educators to create meaningful learning opportunities and address diverse student needs.


One example is Jennifer Brausse, a dedicated Speech Language Pathologist at Hollywood Hill Elementary. Jennifer received funding to acquire specialized tools designed to help students improve their speech and engage through play. Her project highlights the positive impact these grants have in fostering connection, communication, and confidence among Northshore students.



District News



Superintendent's Blog