Connections: December 9, 2024

Connections: December 9, 2024

Northshore School District logo in blue

Connections Newsletter

News from the Northshore School District

December 9, 2024

Message from the Superintendent

Colorful turkeys

December 9, 2024


Dear Northshore Community: 


As Northshore continues our journey of increasing inclusionary practices and working towards racial and educational justice for each and every student, I am excited to share our new Inclusion and Inclusionary Practices definitions with all of you. You may read the definitions on the Special Education webpage


Our Special Education Department is providing opportunities for staff, students, and families to help inform the District’s creation of a supportive Myths and Facts webpage - helping to explain how these definitions are operationalized within our schools. The Special Education Advisory Team (SEAT) was the first group to start this feedback loop, followed by Northshore Special Education Community (NSEC) PTSA board members.  


At my next Listen and Learn session, tomorrow, Tuesday Dec. 10, 2024, families will have the same opportunity to provide feedback. Families whose children receive special education services will be asked to inform the development of the Myths and Facts webpage, learn more about the work of the Special Education Department, and engage with staff. The Northshore Special Education Community PTSA will also be present to provide information and resources. I hope to see many of our families there. The session will take place from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Administrative Center Board Room (3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell). Additional information about tomorrow’s Listen and Learn session, including an online option is below in the Connections Newsletter. 

One of the many special things about Northshore is how we consistently take care of each other. Addressing persistent food insecurities is one example of this commitment. I want to personally thank our Food Services Department and Administrative Center staff for helping to restock 18 school-based pantries prior to the holiday break. Staff coordinated sorting of over 2,300 donated items into the 18 school pantry and or snack piles. I also want to celebrate Dr. Khedam, Assistant Director of the Northshore Family Engagement and Resource Center. Last week, he was honored as a Hometown Hero by the Woodinville Chamber for his launch of Northshore’s Summer Meal program. Throughout last summer, in partnership with cultural and non-profit organizations and many Northshore parent and student volunteers, we regularly distributed food to over 300 Northshore families. Thank you again to our partners and families for your support of this essential program. 


In other news, the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and WASFA, Washington Application for State Financial Aid, are both now open, and we encourage all families to complete the appropriate application to find out what grants, scholarships, and loans your family may qualify for. More information, including helpful webinars, are available below in the Connections Newsletter. 

Finally, as the holiday season unfolds for many Northshore families, I want to take a moment to celebrate the warmth, love, and traditions that make this time of year so special. For many, this season brings joy and a chance to reconnect with loved ones and reflect on the year behind us. I also recognize that the holidays can bring mixed emotions. For some, this season can highlight feelings of loss, stress, or loneliness. If you, your child, or someone you love is feeling overwhelmed or struggling, please know there is help and resources are available. Our Student Services Department has compiled support for students and families, including Care Solace. Care Solace is a complimentary service to Northshore staff, students, and their families and can help you quickly find support options matched to your needs.  


Whether you find joy in celebration or comfort in quiet reflection, I hope this season offers you peace and connection.


In partnership,


Michael Tolley 



News and Updates

Picture of a calendar


Elementary Families: Conference Make-ups Scheduled This Week

Elementary parent-teacher conferences that were postponed due to school closures on November 21 and 22 have been rescheduled.


  • Conferences originally scheduled for November 21, 2024 will be held on Thursday, December 12, 2024.
  • Postponed conferences originally scheduled for November 22, 2024 will be rescheduled for Friday, December 13, 2024. 


Important details: 

  • All elementary schools will dismiss early on December 12, using the conference schedule dismissal times. 
  • The following schools will also be on conference schedules December 13: Cottage Lake Elementary, East Ridge Elementary, Hollywood Hill Elementary, Westhill Elementary, Sunrise Elementary
  • If your student’s elementary school is not listed above, your school will dismiss at its usual time on December 13, with no schedule change.
  • All middle and high schools will have normal schedules during these elementary conference make-up days.


Learn more on the District’s website.


Notification Process for Weather-related School Closures and Delays

As the weather turns colder and we prepare for snow and ice, there is the possibility of additional school delays or closures still to come this school year. As a reminder, if weather conditions make a schedule change necessary, the Northshore School District will communicate the decision through multiple channels, including the District website, social media, local TV and radio news, and directly to families and staff via phone call, text, and email using ParentSquare/StudentSquare. The decision to close or delay schools in response to snow and hazardous conditions is made by the Superintendent as early as possible, typically by 5:30 a.m. the day of school so that staff can know the most current conditions to make an informed decision. Learn more about the District’s process for closures and delays, including an updated Frequently Asked Questions.


Parentsquare logo

ParentSquare Tip: Translation Guidance

Northshore students and families speak more than 100 languages and dialects. When a student is first enrolled in Northshore, parents and guardians are asked to indicate their preferred communication language. This preference is recorded in Synergy, the District's student information system. When ParentSquare initially syncs family data from Synergy, the communication preference data is transferred. If a parent is receiving communication in a language other than English, it is because they indicated that language when enrolling their child. If your family is receiving communication in a language you don't want, there are two options to make a change. Please review this ParentSquare tip on our website for step-by-step guidance.

Class of 2025: Apply Now for Financial Aid for College and Career Programs

Across the District, high school counselors and staff are supporting members of the Class of 2025 and their families as they consider their plans for after graduation. For many students, that includes post-secondary education including colleges, universities, and trade school programs. The FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and WASFA, Washington Application for State Financial Aid, are both now open, and we encourage families to complete the appropriate application to find out what grants, scholarships, and loans your family may qualify for. A student should complete the WASFA if they do not qualify for federal financial aid because of their immigration status. The following videos provide additional information about applying for financial aid:


Successful Students and Schools

Family at the Winter Family Night


Mother and daughter at the table coloring

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Department’s Winter Family Fun Night

On Wednesday, December 4 the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Department held their annual Winter Family Fun Night. Over 500 attendees enjoyed activities, and the MTSS team distributed free winter gear, books, and math resources. Parents/guardians were able to gather information about the federal programs available in Northshore. Other departments such as Student Services, Communications, and Racial and Educational Justice also hosted information tables. Thank you to our community partners including the Northshore Schools Foundation and University of Washington Bothell for joining us. Special shout out to the MTSS Department for creating an unforgettable experience for the families who attended.

Picture of Caroline Antone


Skyview Middle School Student Shines in ‘The Nutcracker’ in Seattle

Congratulations to Skyview Middle School student Caroline Antone, who is playing the coveted role of young Clara in the Pacific Northwest Ballet's "The Nutcracker." This is a fantastic achievement, and we are very proud of Caroline's hard work and dedication to the performing arts.

Woodinville Chamber Awards Hometown Hero to District Staff Member

Annually, the Woodinville Chamber of Commerce celebrates members of the community who embody service and compassion for others. During this year’s event, Northshore’s Family Engagement and Resource Center Assistant Director Dr. Srinivas Khedam was honored as a recipient. Dr. Khedam led an effort last summer with six local cultural and faith-based organizations and nonprofits to raise funds and donations to provide food and hygiene items to Northshore families, serving more than 1,000 individuals on an ongoing basis with $30,000 raised. Congratulations, Dr. Khedam! Learn more about Woodinville Chamber’s Hometown Heroes.


School Board News

Picture of the board


Connect with the Northshore Board of Directors

The Northshore Board of Directors represents all of our families and residents, and board members encourage you to learn more and get engaged in the business of the District. In this section you will find information about school board meetings, including upcoming meetings and information about past meetings. Links are included for more information.


Upcoming Meetings and Topics

  • Monday, Dec. 9 at 4:30 p.m. Regular Meeting of the Board (view the agenda). 
  • Monday, Dec. 9 at 6 p.m. Study Session of the Board (view the agenda). Topic: Comprehensive Counseling Plan


Past Meeting Highlights

  • Nov. 25 Regular Meeting of the Board (view the agenda and draft minutes). Business included: Performance review and policy review of Superintendent Parameter 12 - Financial Administration, performance review of the monitoring report for Goal 5 - Ready for Lifelong Success After Graduation, revised Superintendent Parameter 11 - Budget Planning, District Budget Status Report for August and September 2024, and other regular business.
  • Nov. 25 Study Session of the Board (view the agenda and draft minutes). The topic was Strategic Plan Goal 5: Ready for Lifelong Success After Graduation.

Upcoming Events

Superintendent and Northshore Leadership Listen & Learn Sessions

Superintendent Tolley’s fall and winter Listen & Learn sessions are an opportunity to share information and hear back from families and students. School Board representatives will also be present at each session. A full list of dates are available on the Superintendent’s website, and the next sessions will take place on:

  • Tuesday, Dec. 10, 6-7:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Admin Center, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell. The focus group of attendees is families of students receiving Special Education services. For families not able to attend in-person, the virtual option can be accessed using the links below. The event will begin with everyone together, and then we will divide into smaller breakout sessions based on levels, and you are encouraged to join the breakout that applies to your family. Online engagement will be monitored and facilitated by members of the Communications Department.
  • Main session Zoom webinar to begin the program at 6 p.m.:
  • Breakout sessions by level will begin at approximately 7 p.m.:
  • Elementary: 
  • Middle School: 
  • High School: 


  • Thursday, Dec. 12, 6-7:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Admin Center, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell. This is a general session for all families. 

Racial and Educational Justice


Christmas is a Christian holiday on December 25 that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. While many celebrate the holiday to honor Jesus' birth, it has also become a worldwide cultural holiday and is often celebrated by non-Christians as well. Many celebrate by attending church, enjoying food together, and exchanging gifts. There have been many iterations of Santa Claus, as well, including St. Nicholas and Father Christmas, with the tradition often including the delivery of gifts. Merry Christmas to all students, staff, and families celebrating in our Northshore community!


Hannukah (Chanukah)

From sundown of December 25 to January 2, Jewish people around the world will celebrate Hanukkah, or Chanukah, an eight-day holiday. This holiday is known as the “Festival of Lights.” Every evening at sunset, a candle is lit until the last night, when all eight candles are kindled on the Hanukkah Menorah (candelabra). Like many holidays, food is central to Hanukkah’s celebration. The foods at the heart of the holiday are sufganiyot and latkes. A sufganiyot is often described as a cross between a beignet and a jelly donut, and latkes are potato pancakes often eaten with applesauce or sour cream. Happy Hanukkah to all of our Jewish students, staff, and families celebrating in our Northshore community.



Below are links to community E-flyers that were recently approved for sharing with District families. These activities are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Northshore School District or any of its schools. 


The District assumes no responsibility for the conduct during or the safety of the activities. Northshore School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials including attorney's fees and judgment or awards.




Partnerships & Volunteers

Reflections Logo


Northshore Council PTSA Presents a Reflections Art Reception on Jan. 11

The Reflections Art Program is a National PTA cultural arts competition that provides an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works. Each year, artwork is based on a theme. This year's theme is "Accepting Imperfection." 


Northshore Council PTSA’s Reflections Art Reception, celebrating all district-level entries, will take place on Saturday, Jan. 11, 2025 at Brightwater Center, 22505 State Route 9 SE, in Woodinville using the following viewing schedule:

  • Quiet Hour: 3-4 p.m.
  • Last name beginning with A-J: 4-5 p.m.
  • Last name beginning with L-S: 5-6 p.m.
  • Last name beginning with T-Z: 6-7 p.m.


It is important to emphasize that parking is limited and to assist with a pleasant experience, please use the suggested arrival times listed above to help with the flow of attendance.


Coffee, tea, and cookies prepared by the Bothell High School Culinary Arts Program will be provided for everyone's enjoyment.


We look forward to seeing our Northshore school community at this special event!


Important Dates

Important Dates


The following section features non-school days, Northshore School Board meetings, and religious and cultural observances, including dates listed on the Days of Highest Impact and Days of Fasting charts that are part of Northshore’s Religious and Cultural Observances Calendar. This aims to expand awareness about the multiple forms of diversity among our students and families, the days that students may not be at school due to religious observances, and the days that students may be fasting. 


*Begins at sundown of previous day/ends at sundown


Dec. 9

  • School Board Regular Meeting, 4:30 p.m.
  • School Board Study Session, 6 p.m. Topic: Comprehensive Counseling Plan

Dec. 11

  • Early Release Wednesday

Dec. 12

  • Rescheduled elementary conferences for all elementary schools - see dismissal times

Dec. 13

  • Rescheduled elementary conferences at Cottage Lake Elementary, East Ridge Elementary, Hollywood Hill Elementary, Westhill Elementary, and Sunrise Elementary ONLY. All other schools will be on regular schedules.

Dec. 18

  • Early Release Wednesday

Dec. 23 - Jan. 3

  • Winter Break - No School. School resumes Monday, Jan. 6, 2025.

Dec. 24

  • Christmas Eve - Christian

Dec. 25

  • Christmas Day - Christian

Dec. 26 - Jan. 2*

  • Hanukkah (Chanukah) - Jewish


Additional Religious and Cultural Observances

The following section features additional important dates, including those listed on the Full Religious and Cultural Observances chart three, which is part of Northshore’s Religious and Cultural Observances Calendar.


Dec. 1-31

  • Universal Human Rights Month - U.S. Culture

Dec. 12

  • Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Mexican Christian

Dec. 16-24

  • Simbang Gabi - Filipino Christian
  • Las Posadas - Mexican Culture

Dec. 21

  • Winter Solstice - Neo Pagan

Dec. 26 - Jan. 2

  • Kwanzaa - African Culture


Northshore School District is enriched by the many experiences and perspectives each individual member brings to our District and community. Therefore, our District prohibits discrimination based on age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, cognitive, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.


Civil Rights and ADA Coordinator for Staff: 

Jerred Kelly

3330 Monte Villa Parkway

Bothell, WA 98021-8972

425-408-7622 or 7604  


Title IX Coordinator: 

Jerred Kelly

3330 Monte Villa Parkway

Bothell, WA 98021-8972

425-408-7622 or 7604 


The Northshore School District shall provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the District’s academic, activities, or employment programs without discrimination. In addition, the District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups in its programs and activities.


Section 504 and ADA Coordinator for Students: 

Rick Ferrell

Director of Student Services

3330 Monte Villa Parkway

Bothell, WA 98021-8972



Any Northshore School District staff and community member has the right to raise concerns or make a complaint regarding discrimination under this policy without fear of retaliation. The above-listed employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged unlawful discrimination.



District News



Superintendent's Blog