The 2018 Capital Bond began a significant investment in school safety improvements, including the expansion of the security camera system within the Northshore School District to all schools and the update of existing cameras. This work continues with funding from the 2022 Capital Bond, which was generously approved by Northshore voters. Across the District, there are now more than 950 connected cameras, which are able to capture more than 2,600 camera views, providing greater visibility to protect the safety of students and staff. This work is a collaboration between the District’s Safety and Security, Technology, and Capital Projects departments and is a result of the 2019 Safe Schools Advisory Committee’s work and recommendations. Prior to the Bond funding, only high schools and middle schools had security cameras installed, and they operated on different systems. By unifying the District’s system, these cameras can be managed as a whole and the District can appropriately recover records when necessary.
Example of a video camera feed on a Northshore School District site.
Close up of a ceiling-mounted camera.