Translate Application Process in Preferred Language

Please use the translate tool located on the top right menu of this page to select your preferred language. 

These are the steps in a translatable format to complete the Northshore School District application process found here.

Page 1:

Northshore School District

Welcome to the approval process.

This registration process includes:

  • Information Collection
  • Background Check Authorization

If you need to finish the application at a later time you can click on the "Save & Resume Later" button at the bottom of each step to have a link sent to the provided email and/or phone number. The application will be saved for one week.

Page 2:

Northshore School District Volunteer

Volunteers undergo a background check with the Washington State Patrol Access to Criminal History (WATCH). A written copy of the WATCH results will be provided to the volunteer upon request within ten (10) days of completing the report. Questions regarding the information contained in the report should be addressed to the Identification & Criminal History Section of the Washington State Patrol at 360.534.2000. As a condition of serving in this role, I hereby grant permission to Northshore School District to conduct a background check on me including state/local criminal history records and national sex offender registry.

I agree to the terms above and have completed any necessary steps listed above.

Page 3:

Disclosure Regarding Background Investigation

Please acknowledge your FCRA rights by signing below.

I have received FCRA Summary of Rights

My signature

Page 4:

Enter Your Information

First Name

Middle Name (optional)

Last Name



Verify Birthdate


Street Address

Enter a location

Apt # (optional)



Select state

Zip Code

Phone Number

By providing a mobile number you are opting in to text messages from us regarding your application

Email Address

Additional notes (optional)

Have you ever been convicted, plead guilty or no contest before a court for any federal, state or municipal criminal offense, such as a misdemeanor/felony, regardless of the age of conviction? Please include any felony/misdemeanor driving offenses such as Driving While Suspended, DWI (Driving Under the Influence) or OWI (Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence). Do not disclose traffic infractions such as speeding or parking violations.



Please provide the details (state, county, date and details of conviction).

Have you ever received probation or community supervision for any federal, state or municipal criminal offense?



Please provide the details (state, county, date and details of conviction).

Have you been convicted of a criminal offense in a country outside the jurisdiction of the United States?



Please provide the details (state, county, date and details of conviction).

Do you currently have any pending charges against you?



Please provide the details (state, county, date and details of conviction).

Page 5:


I understand that by providing my Electronic Signature and by clicking on the “I agree” button below, and clicking on the “next” button below, that I am electronically signing this Consent. I understand that my Electronic Signatures will be binding as though I had physically signed hard-copies of these documents by hand. I agree that a printout of this authorization may be accepted with the same authority as the original. By providing my Electronic Signature below, I hereby voluntarily authorize a consumer or an investigative consumer report about me from Safe Hiring Solutions LLC, a consumer reporting agency, and to consider this information when making decisions regarding my application for and/or continued employment, contract for services or volunteer services. I understand that I have rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, including rights discussed above. This report may be delivered in either written or electronic form and is non refundable.

I agree to the terms of this Authorization

My signature

Page 6:

Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering in the Northshore School District.  The following questions will help us learn more about you and your interests in volunteering.  If you are not interested in volunteering with Northshore School District you may close this window now.

I am a...*

·      Community Member (not related to a current student)

·      Parent/Guardian/Family Member

Page 7:

Northshore School District Volunteer Application

Preferred Name

Which languages other than English do you speak?

·      Spanish

·      Telegu

·      Chinese - Unspecified

·      Russian

·      Tamil

·      Hindi

·      Korean

·      Mandarin

·      Portuguese

·      German

·      Dutch

·      French

·      Italian

·      Greek

·      Japanese

Emergency Contact

First Name

Last Name

Emergency Contact Relationship

Emergency Contact Phone

Are you a Former Northshore School District Alumni?


Page 8:


This section is not required of family members of students but is suggested if you would like to be included in our database of volunteers that teachers, school staff, or district staff may reach out to as needs arise.

Community Members: You are welcome to submit a resume, but please highlight your relevant experience below.

If you are currently employed, please list your occupation and employer.



If you are currently a student please list your school and major



Previous work with children:

Previous volunteer experience:

Education / Training

Reason for volunteering:

Special Skills

Resume Upload

No File Chosen

Page 9:

Interests / Availability

Areas of interest for volunteering. Select all that apply.



Art Docent Program

AVID Tutor

Bulletin Boards


Classroom Support

Field Trip Driver


Limited/Non-English Students






School/District Events


Students with Disabilities




Where would you prefer to volunteer?

Adult Transition Program

Arrowhead Elementary

Bothell High School

Canyon Creek Elementary

Canyon Park Middle School

Cottage Lake Elementary

Crystal Springs Elementary

East Ridge Elementary

Fernwood Elementary

Frank Love Elementary

Hollywood Hill Elementary

Inglemoor High School

Innovation Lab High School

Kenmore Elementary

Kenmore Middle School

Kokanee Elementary

Leota Middle School

Lockwood Elementary

Maywood Hills Elementary

Moorlands Elementary

North Creek High School

Northshore Family Partnership

Northshore Middle School

Northshore Networks

Ruby Bridges Elementary

Secondary Academy for Success

Shelton View Elementary

Skyview Middle School

Sorenson ECC

Sunrise Elementary

Timbercrest Middle School

Wellington Elementary

Westhill Elementary

Woodin Elementary

Woodinville High School

Woodmoor Elementary

District Offices Administrative Center or Support Services

Which are you preferred grades?















Adult Transition


Once per week

Once per month

One time only

* High school athletic volunteers, please complete this form in addition to your background check.  A link to the form will also be included in your confirmation email.  This form will notify the athletic director at your high school of choice about your interest in volunteering.

** Volunteers who drive on field trips must contact the school office, complete the Authorization for Use of Private Automobile / Autorizaciόn Para El Uso De Un Automόvil Privado form, and provide proof of insurance.


Please check when you are available to volunteer*

            Monday           Tuesday           Wednesday     Thursday         Friday  Saturday          Sunday

Morning          Please check when you are available to volunteer: Morning (Monday)       Morning (Tuesday)     Morning (Wednesday)            Morning (Thursday)    Morning (Friday)         Morning (Saturday)    Morning (Sunday)

Afternoon       Afternoon (Monday)   Afternoon (Tuesday)   Afternoon (Wednesday)         Afternoon (Thursday) Afternoon (Friday)      Afternoon (Saturday)       Afternoon (Sunday)

Evening           Evening (Monday)      Evening (Tuesday)      Evening (Wednesday) Evening (Thursday)     Evening (Friday)          Evening (Saturday)            Evening (Sunday)

Hours available per day

Date you can begin volunteering





Select Date

Date you wish to end volunteering




Select Date

Is there a required number of hours you need to complete

Page 10:


If we need additional information, please provide references (non-relative) we can contact and their relationship to you.

This section is required for community members and higher education students.

Reference 1

First Name

Last Name

Reference 1 Email

Reference 1 Phone

Reference 1 Relationship to Volunteer

Reference 2

First Name

Last Name

Reference 2 Email

Reference 2 Phone

Reference 2 Relationship to Volunteer

Page 11:

Assumption of Risk

As a private citizen, not an employee of the Northshore School District, I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agreed to the following:

I acknowledge volunteering my services or talent in the school district may entail known and unanticipated risks which could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis or death, as well as damage to my property, or to third parties.

I certify that I have no medical, including, but not limited to illnesses,l or physical conditions which could interfere with my safety in any activity I take part in within the District, or else I am willing to assume and bear the costs of all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition.

I acknowledge the District will make every attempt to insure my safety while participating in this volunteer project, but there are certain inherent risks involved that may be unavoidable resulting in bodily injury or property damage to me or others. This acknowledgement extends to the use of District equipment.

I further acknowledge the District does not provide any accidental medical insurance coverage or volunteer workers compensation coverage for the activity and that I assume all risks of injury or damage to my person or property. I agree to be responsible for my own health and any expense(s) if I am injured or become ill on the job.

I agree to hold and save harmless the Northshore School District, its School Board, Employees, and Volunteers, and assigns for any claims, suits, or damages, (including but not limited to defense) which might result from my participating in volunteer work.

I understand the Northshore School District makes no promises, guarantees, representations, or warranties as to the safe condition, functionality, or operability of any tools or equipment that I may use during this project.

I understand that the Northshore School District is not responsible for loss or damage to any equipment or personal property owned by me or others which I may use during my time in/with the District.


I have read the above Assumption of Risk statement

Signature - Assumption of Risk*


Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above

Page 12:


All information concerning students and teachers is strictly confidential and should not be shared with others.

·      Keep ALL student information confidential, including scholastic and health records, test scores and grades, discipline and classroom behavior, and children’s character traits.

·      Don’t repeat stories and personal information that children share with you.

·      Share concerns with school staff only—not with the child’s parents or others.

·      Volunteers are restricted from taking images for personal use of students at school, school sponsored events or on field trips.

·      Student images may not be posted on Facebook, using other social media, sent via email or distributed using other communication channels.

·      If a volunteer is taking images for school-related use, appropriate district and school procedures must be followed.

·      Federal law prohibits school districts from releasing student information without parent/guardian permission.

·      Disclosing this information is a violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).


I have read the above Confidentiality statement


Signature - Confidentiality*



Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above

Page 13:

Volunteer Orientation

By signing below, I agree that I have completed the Northshore School District volunteer orientation. I understand the information in the orientation and agree to comply with its guidelines. As a condition of volunteering for the Northshore School District, I accept and assume the risks of personal injury or property damage that may result from my volunteer experience, including but not limited to any activity while volunteering on school property. I hereby agree to waive any and all claims arising out of any such injury or damage. I also agree to respect the confidentiality of all information concerning students, staff or other participants with whom I work.


I have read the above Volunteer Orientation statement

Signature - Volunteer Orientation*


Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above

Page 14:

Volunteer Disclosure

Washington State Law requires that all prospective school district volunteers who may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years, developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults complete and sign this disclosure statement. The law also provides that the District may request a background investigation through the Washington State Patrol. Instructions to complete your background check will be provided upon completion of this volunteer profile.

Please answer YES or NO to each listed item. If the answer is YES to any item, explain in the area provided, indicating the charge or finding, the date, and the court(s) involved.


I have read the above Volunteer Disclosure statement

Have you been found in any dependency action under RCW 13.34.030 to have sexually abused or exploited any minor or to have physically abused any minor?



Have you been found by a court in a domestic relations proceeding under Title 26 RCW to have sexually abused or exploited any minor or to have physically abused any minor?



Have you ever been found in any disciplinary board decision, or by the director of the department of health in the following businesses or professions (chiropractic, denistry, dental hygiene, massage, midwifery, naturopathy, osteopathy, physical therapy, physicians, practical or registered nursing, psychology, real estate broker, and salesperson) to have sexually abused any minor or developmentally disabled person or to have abused or financially exploited any vulnerable adult?



Have you ever been found by a court in any protection under Chapter 74.34 RCW to have abused or financially exploited a vulnerable adult?



How long have you lived in Washington State? (Years of continuous residency)

Maiden / Aliases / Previous Name(s)

I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.

Signature - Disclosure*


Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above

Thank you for offering to support the Northshore School District, our staff and families.