Sixth-Grade Challenge Work Team

The sixth-grade year will be a transitional year, with all sixth-graders receiving a challenging and rigorous curriculum in language arts, social studies and science to prepare them for the opportunity to enroll in self-select Challenge courses in grades 7 and 8.

 Work Team Responsibility

  • Review state, Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards as it identifies opportunities to differentiate instruction to meet the unique academic needs of individual students. 
  • Prepare systemwide enrichment and intervention activities and assignments. By providing assignments with different levels of difficulty, students and teachers will have a menu to choose from for differentiated rigor.

Meeting Schedule

No more than twice monthly, beginning Dec. 15, 2016 from 3:30-6 p.m.

Later times, dates and locations TBD

 Work Team Membership
The work team will comprise Northshore School District parents, teachers and administrators. Work team members will be selected from those who apply based on achieving representation of the diversity in our community and a wide range of experiences, perspectives and geographic locations, as well as those who can commit to attending all meetings.

 Residence within Northshore School District is a requirement. Backgrounds and experience that are helpful include, but are not limited to:

  • Experience serving on committees requiring the ability to build consensus on complex topics.
  • Awareness of, or willingness to accept, concepts for 21st Century Learning.
  • Effective listening skills and openness for all perspectives.

Composition of Committee

  • 3 parents
  • language arts
  • social studies and science TOSAs (Teachers on Special Assignment)
  • Highly Capable TOSA
  • Special Education teacher
  • English Language Learner teacher
  • 6 additional teachers
  • 3 administrators

Application Timeline for Parent Membership

  1. Applications open: Nov. 18, 2016 – Dec. 5, 2016
  2. Selection and appointment of community members: Dec. 5-9, 2016


Contact Us

Obadiah Dunham
North Region Assistant Superintendent