Highly Capable Task Force
The Highly Capable Task Force will be responsible for recommending highly capable service delivery for middle school students to the Superintendent. The recommendation will be equity driven, built on the strengths of students, and address the needs of the whole child.
For those interested in contributing their expertise on the Highly Capable Task Force, please use the link below to respond to some questions by the end of the day on October 31.
We will notify team members by November 8th in preparation for our first meeting on November 19.
We will review responses to build a balanced representation of schools, content areas, and experiences based on the Team Composition listed in the Task Force Announcement.
- Review the current highly capable services in middle schools identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
- Learn about the needs of students identified as highly capable, current research, and best practices.
- Provide recommendations for any changes along with a phased implementation plan.
- Determine how to evaluate the service delivery.
- Ensure compliance with Washington State law regarding highly capable services.
- Consider the diverse academic needs of highly capable students.
- Consider the diverse social-emotional needs of highly capable students.
- Provide a clear and transparent communication plan for services offered, including the expectations and roles of schools, families, and teachers in supporting highly capable students.
Residence within the Northshore School District is a requirement. Background and experience that are helpful for task force participation include but are not limited to:
- A background and understanding of highly capable services
- A student involved in highly capable services
Members should be committed to serving:
- A twelve-month term
- A minimum of 2 hours per month; 1 meeting per month
All task force members will be expected to:
- Participate with an open mind
- Value and respect the contributions of others
- Support open dialogue by sharing and asking open, honest questions that seek to understand and that encourage the surfacing of ideas
- Keep what is best for students at the heart of all we do
- Attend consistently
Team Composition
- Eight teachers: 2 intermediate (grades 4 or 5), 6 middle school (spanning math, social studies, science, and ELA)
- Four Administrators: 2 Elementary, 2 Middle School
- 6 Parents: Need to have at least one currently enrolled student who has received or is receiving highly capable services (ideally from each high school feeder pattern)
- 2 Counselors
- 4 High School Students who participated in highly capable services (one from each feeder pattern)
- Family Engagement Specialist
Meeting Schedule
All Meetings will be from 5-7:00 p.m.
- November 19, 2024
- December 17, 2024
- January 14, 2025
- February 11, 2025
- March 11, 2025
- April 15, 2025
- May 13, 2025
- June 3, 2025
- September 16, 2025
- October 7, 2025
If you have any questions, please email
Amity Butler
Executive Director of Teaching and Learning