Financial Advisory Committee
The Northshore School District is in the process of reviewing applicants for the Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) for the 2024-25 school year. Applicants will be notified by the second week in October. The first meeting will be held on October 17, meeting schedule below. The committee will analyze and study a variety of data and available information to help understand the district's budget, as well as state and federal budget parameters.
Background and experience that will be helpful include, but are not limited to:
- Background in Accounting, Business, or related fields
- Familiarity with budget reports, graphs, and other reporting tools
- Ability to analyze complex data or issues and objectively prioritize within a wide array of needs
- Effective listening skills and openness for all perspectives
- Ability to compromise and build consensus
- Effective communication skills
Committee Composition
Parent, guardians and community members are appointed by the superintendent through an application process. At full capacity, the committee is comprised of:
- 9 Community Members, Parents and Guardians
- 4 Association Members
- 2 Student Members
- District Support Staff
- The Deputy Superintendent will serve as the head of the committee
Committee Responsibilities
- Provide community and stakeholder perspective on budget priorities
- Communicate with and educate the public
- Provide benchmarking reports
- Provide feedback regarding concerns and commendations associated with the District's budget and finance issues
2024-25 Meeting Schedule
Meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of the month, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Committee meetings are held via Zoom.
- October 16
- December 11(November meeting moved due to windstorm)
- January 22
- February 12 (2nd Wednesday, Feb 18 is mid-winter break)
- March 19
- April 16
- May 21
All committee meetings are open to the public. Visitors are welcome to attend, and their interest in the process and roles as observers are appreciated. Please read the Visitor Protocol Guidelines prior to attending. If you would like to attend, please contact Christine Cash and a Zoom link will be provided.
Committee Members
This volunteer committee is comprised of parents, guardians, community members, association members and staff. Committee members are selected from those who apply based on achieving representation of the diversity in our community; a wide range of experience, perspective and geographic locations, as well as a commitment to attend all meetings. Residence within the Northshore School District is a requirement.
2024-25 School Year Members
Tammy Ayers, Andrew Blaser, Robin Brake, Elizabeth Cano, Jasmine Fry, Dmitri Malinovski, Holly Muenchow, Jeffrey Pooley, Shreyas Ramji, Robbi Reed, Cheryl Stanford, Na Sun, Deepika Uliyar, Dawn Williams. NSD Support Staff: JoLynn Berge, Chris Brenegen, Christine Cash
- 2 year term cycle for community, parents, guardians, association and staff members
- Some members may agree to serve 3 years to allow for stability and consistency of new and experienced members
- Willingness to learn about school district budget requirements
JoLynn Berge
Deputy Superintendent
Chris Brenengen
Director of Business & Operations
Christine Cash
Risk Manager