Frequently Asked Questions

What is the EDTF?

The Enrollment Demographics Task Force (EDTF) is a standing task force of parents, community and staff members appointed by the Superintendent and the School Board. The EDTF monitors and analyzes ongoing demographic changes in the district and recommends actions to the School Board on how to respond to those changes. The EDTF was established through School Board Policy 9400 in 2001.

After years of studying the changing demographic trends in the district, the EDTF became acutely aware of rapid enrollment growth in the north/central corridor. As a result of their work, the EDTF recommended the School Board pursue three initiatives for the 2017-18 school year: construction of a new high school in the north end; reconfiguration of grade levels to K-5 elementary schools, grades 6-8 middle schools and grades 9-12 high schools; and adjustment of boundaries to create a service area for the new high school and balance enrollment across schools and pathways. All three of these initiatives were successfully implemented in 2017-18.  

What makes it difficult to project school enrollment?

While Northshore works diligently to plan ahead, it can be a challenge to pinpoint enrollment for the coming school year. Many factors outside of our control can affect school enrollment. Some of these factors are:

  • The opening or closing of a private school
  • Fluctuations in private school enrollments
  • Changes in household income
  • Significant increases or decreases in new home building
  • The awarding of large contracts to manufacturing firms by the federal government
  • Significant changes in state or federal funding of public works projects
  • Changes in unemployment rates
  • Shifts in where people choose to live
  • Increases or decreases in births
  • Cost of housing
  • Housing turnover
  • The economy
  • Changes to land use plans and regulations
  • Changes in household size

What is a “portable” classroom?  How are these structures used in Northshore?

A portable is a re-locatable classroom that can be used for just about every type of educational activity, from traditional classroom instruction to weight training or other educational programs. Often times before- and after-school programs are housed in them. Sometimes they are used for small-group activities during recess.

Portables are also used to house students at overcrowded schools until funding can be secured to construct permanent facilities, or when construction projects (modernization) take place at schools. They are also used to provide the district flexibility when a school's enrollment exceeds its capacity until a permanent solution is reached.

Are there rules/guidelines for how many portables you can put on a site?

Yes. Local city and county jurisdictions have regulations that can affect the placement of portables based on setbacks from property lines, other structures and utilities. Additionally, there are many safety and legal considerations about whether the portable restricts the movement of people and vehicles at the school.

How are proposals initiated, received, and brought to action by the committee?

Ideas for boundary and/or program changes can come from members of the committee itself, school-based staff, central office staff, community members, or consultants. Proposals are reviewed by the EDTF committee which invites community, staff, and jurisdictional input when possible. The EDTF meets regularly to review new information and continually works to revise and refine the recommendations for action. All recommendations are reviewed and must be approved by the School Board prior to implementation. All task force meetings and School Board meetings are open to the public; if you would like to make a public comment, please feel free to attend. You can find the task force meeting schedule here and the School Board meeting schedule here. You can also email the School Board directly.