Capital Bond Planning Task Force

Inglemoor Concert Hall

To be considered for participation on this task force, please review the information on this page and find the link to apply at the bottom of this page.


The Capital Bond Planning Task Force (CBPTF) helps shape the ballot measure(s) for the Northshore School District’s bond elections.

The CBPTF analyzes and studies a variety of data and information regarding the District’s capital facility needs to determine a set of recommendations to the School Board for capital infrastructure projects for referral to voters. These voluntary positions serve terms in alignment with NSD’s historical four-year bond/levy cycle.

Learn how the District has been spending 2022 bond dollars, thanks to the generous support of our Northshore community, by visiting our Construction & Building Improvements page.

Meeting Schedule

Bond Planning Season typically occurs over the 18 months prior to a bond being presented to the voters. 

The first meeting will be October 21, 2024 from 5:30-7:30pm on Zoom. Some meetings may be held in person as opportunities arise to visit school sites for Bond project consideration. Meetings will occur every third Monday of the month through September 2025, when a recommendation is made to the school board. The Bond measure will be presented to the voters in February 2026. 

Following the passage of a bond, this team meets periodically to remain up to date regarding projects related to the current bond cycle. Once determined, dates for these off-season periodic meetings will be posted below.

It is also suggested, but not required, that members attend one or two Board Study Sessions and Board Meetings that include agenda items related to the Capital Bond (dates to be determined). There may be a minimal amount of outside reading in order to prepare for several of the meetings.

Meeting Content - 2022 Bond Planning


Task Force Membership

The CBPTF includes community members, staff, parents/guardians, current Northshore high school students, and administrators representing all regions of the Northshore School District. Task force members will be selected from those who apply based on a wide range of experience, perspective and geographic locations, as well as a commitment to attend all meetings.

Residence within the Northshore School District is a requirement. Background and experience that are helpful for the CBPTF include, but are not limited to:

  • Experience in capital planning; financial planning; commercial construction; facility management or construction management—preferably in a public education environment.
  • Experience serving on committees requiring the ability to build consensus on complex topics.
  • Ability to absorb complex data or issues and objectively prioritize a wide array of capital improvement needs while working within a confined budget.
  • Growth and innovation mindset for learning environments.
  • Effective listening skills and openness for all perspectives.
  • Ability to compromise and build consensus.

Composition of Task Force

We are currently seeking applicants for the 2026 Capital Bond Planning Task Force. Because the response from the community to the call for applications for the 2022 CBPTF was overwhelmingly positive, we will continue with the process created for 2022 Bond planning that allowed everyone to participate.

To be considered for participation in the committee, please complete the application by Aug. 31.


Director of Capital Projects
William Tribble

Exec Admin Assistant
of Support Services

Sandy Calissendorff
