Report an Absence

Consistent attendance positively correlates to student success. We highly encourage all students to attend consistently.

Elementary Attendance Guidance

How often is attendance taken?

  • Attendance is taken twice per day due to the guidance from OSPI and the Continuous Learning Model 2.0. Teachers take attendance in the morning at 9:05 a.m. and in the afternoon after lunch at 12:55.

What counts as tardy?

  • Arriving between 9:06 a.m. 9:35 a.m. for Learning Block 1 will be marked as a tardy.

  • Arriving between 12:55 - 1:25 p.m. for Learning Block 2 will be marked as tardy

What counts as an absence?

  • Students who are absent for more than 50% of Learning Block 1 (9:05-11:40) will be marked absent

  • Students who are absent for more than 50% of Learning Block 1 (12:55-3:35) will be marked absent

Secondary Attendance Guidance

The Northshore Online Academy uses an Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) model in grades 6-12. Attendance is dependent on weekly two-way contact. Please communicate with your child’s mentor teacher for more information.