If a Student Becomes Sick

Northshore School District will use the Seattle & King County Public Health COVID-19 Symptom Flow Chart to ensure the health and safety of students, families and staff.

If a student experiences COVID-like symptoms while attending school:  

  • Teacher or staff excuses student(s) from classroom, cohort/pod or area within the school and notifies COVID-19 Supervisor and/or school nurse. 
  • COVID-19 Supervisor, school nurse, or their designee takes the student(s) to the designated isolation room/area until transportation can be arranged to send the student(s) home or to seek emergency medical attention; AND
  • COVID-19 Supervisor or school nurse notifies parent(s), guardians or caregiver(s) of ill student(s). 
  • Parent(s), guardian(s), or caregiver(s) picks up student(s). The student(s) should consult with their healthcare provider for evaluation and determination if testing is recommended. 

Note: If multiple ill students or staff must be placed in the same isolation room/area, NSD will ensure mask use and that they maintain at least 6 feet of distance between them. 


Child with Symptoms and Siblings

The child with symptoms should be isolated and sent home as soon as possible. Caregivers of the sick child should contact their medical provider and get the child tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible. Siblings who are not exhibiting symptoms do not need to be quarantined or sent home at that time. The siblings can continue to attend school or childcare but should monitor their health. If any symptoms arise in the siblings, they should also stay home and their caregivers should contact a healthcare provider. 

If the original sick child tests positive for COVID-19, that child must stay home and isolate. At that time all household members, including the siblings, would be considered close contacts and must also quarantine (stay home, not go to work, school or childcare). 

The Return to School Following Illness Exposure Guidance in the King County Schools COVID-19 Response Toolkit along with this infographic can help people calculate the isolation and quarantine periods for all household members.