Needs-based resource allocation

Needs-based resource allocation

Northshore School District logo in blue


April 15, 2024

Dear Northshore Colleagues: 

I hope everyone had a relaxing Spring Break. 

We are now in the home stretch of the school year as evidenced by spring assessment testing, enrollment for summer school, and graduation planning. This is an exciting but busy time of the school year. I see and appreciate everything you and your colleagues are doing to support our students each and every day. Thank you. 

This week, I want to give a special note of thanks to our colleagues in the Technology Department. This last weekend, fiber lines were unintentionally cut near Cottage Lake. We suspect it was a neighbor taking advantage of the nice weather and getting some yard work done. Our committed team learned about the issue at 3 p.m. on Friday and continued to work through the night and over the weekend to make sure connectivity was up and running by today. Admin Center and Support Services staff work often happens behind the scenes. This is just one example of how each role is important to ensuring our students and staff have supportive learning and working environments. 

As we plan for the end of the 2023-24 school year, we are also continuing to manage the budget shortfall for the 2024-25 school year. I have asked my Cabinet staff to offer optional budget development meetings at each school. This is a follow up to the fall meetings. Please consider attending one of these meetings to learn about the recommended 2024-25 Budget reduction areas and ask questions. Your principal will have the date and time for your school’s presentation. 

Finally, it is more important than ever that our values center all decisions - including how we allocate our limited resources. Our District’s Strategic Plan outlines our commitments to our students, their families, and our broader community. One of those commitments, outlined under Goal 3, is to implement equitable budgeting, hiring, and staffing including, “ensuring that resources (i.e., people, time, and money) are allocated equitably by instituting needs-based, results-focused budgeting.” As we currently work to balance next year’s budget, we are using an equity lens to allocate additional staffing beyond the baseline formula and our Collective Bargaining Agreements. This is a different approach than in previous years. While next year our efforts will be to preserve support for students furthest from racial and educational justice - to the best of our abilities, my goal is that in future years we can use this same approach to provide any enhanced state funding in a more targeted and equitable manner. 

Thank you for your support and partnership as we navigate these challenging times together. 

I hope you have a great week. 

Michael Tolley



Have a story you would like to see shared in the "Highlights from Around the District" section of this message and on our website? Submit using this form.


2024 Spring State Assessments

Spring is the time of year when our schools administer state required assessments. These assessments are used for state and federal accountability, to monitor student progress toward grade level standards, as well as an option for high school students to meet their Graduation Pathways requirement. The English/Language Arts (ELA) and math Smarter Balanced Assessments are administered in grades 3 through 8 and 10, while the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS) is administered in grades 5, 8, and 11. 

Specific schedules are set by each school and responsive to each school’s needs. Schools will notify families once their schedules are finalized. We want each student to perform at their best, so please encourage students and families to get good sleep and nutrition during these times and minimize absences.


Employee Assistance Program

First Choice Health is the Employee Assistance Program provider for the Northshore School District. This is a benefit provided at no cost to you by the District. You, your spouse/domestic partner, and any dependent children up to the age of 26 have FREE and CONFIDENTIAL access to counseling services, legal and financial consultations, ID theft and fraud support, childcare and eldercare referrals/resources, and home ownership assistance.

The EAP offers up to 4 sessions face-to-face or telehealth (no co-pay, deductible or premium) with a qualified clinical expert who can assess your concerns and develop a plan of action. Call (800) 777-4114 or visit the First Choice EAP website to request an appointment. Username: nsd


Mental Health Resource: Care Solace

The District has partnered with Care Solace to provide mental health care coordination. Northshore students, staff, and family members looking for help with mental health or substance use can use Care Solace to quickly find treatment options matched to their needs. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service. Care Solace’s team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can provide support in any language.

If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a mental health provider:

Learn more about Care Solace by visiting the Northshore Mental Health webpage.




The following section features no-school days, Northshore School Board meetings, and religious and cultural observances, including dates listed on the Days of Highest Impact and Days of Fasting charts that are part of Northshore’s Religious and Cultural Observances Calendar. This aims to expand awareness about the multiple forms of diversity among our students and families, the days that students may not be at school due to religious observances, and the days that students may be fasting. 

*Begins at sundown of previous day/ends at sundown




Religion or Culture, if applicable

April 17

Wednesday Early Release


April 22

School Board Meeting, 7 p.m.


April 23-30*



April 23-30*

Feast of Unleavened Bread (Last Day)

Non-Denominational Christian



Passover, or "Pesach" in Hebrew, is an eight-day celebration that commemorates the Jewish people's escape from slavery in ancient Egypt. It is a celebration spent with loved ones and friends, and is a time for reflection and giving thanks for new beginnings. The day is celebrated with a special meal called Seder with a combination of tastes, sounds, sensations, and smells that have been with the Jewish people for millennia. During Passover, dietary restrictions include the avoidance of grains such as wheat, barley, oats, spelt, and rye that can ferment and become leavened. Happy Passover to all who celebrate!


Additional Religious and Cultural Observances

The following section features additional important dates, including those listed on the Full Religious and Cultural Observances chart three, which is part of Northshore’s Religious and Cultural Observances Calendar.

*Begins at sundown of previous day/ends at sundown




Religion or Culture, if applicable

April 16

Rama Navami


April 18

Birthday of Guru Angad Dev


April 20-May 1*



April 23-30*

Feast of Unleavened Bread

Non-Denominational Christian




Northshore School District is enriched by the many experiences and perspectives each individual member brings to our District and community. Therefore, our District prohibits discrimination based on age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, cognitive, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.

Civil Rights and ADA Coordinator for Staff: 
Jerred Kelly
3330 Monte Villa Parkway
Bothell, WA 98021-8972
425-408-7622 or 7604  

Title IX Coordinator: 
Jerred Kelly
3330 Monte Villa Parkway
Bothell, WA 98021-8972
425-408-7622 or 7604 

The Northshore School District shall provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the District’s academic, activities, or employment programs without discrimination. In addition, the District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups in its programs and activities.

Section 504 and ADA Coordinator for Students: 
Rick Ferrell
Director of Student Services
3330 Monte Villa Parkway
Bothell, WA 98021-8972

Any Northshore School District staff and community member has the right to raise concerns or make a complaint regarding discrimination under this policy without fear of retaliation. The above-listed employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged unlawful discrimination.



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