April 15, 2024
Dear Northshore Colleagues:
I hope everyone had a relaxing Spring Break.
We are now in the home stretch of the school year as evidenced by spring assessment testing, enrollment for summer school, and graduation planning. This is an exciting but busy time of the school year. I see and appreciate everything you and your colleagues are doing to support our students each and every day. Thank you.
This week, I want to give a special note of thanks to our colleagues in the Technology Department. This last weekend, fiber lines were unintentionally cut near Cottage Lake. We suspect it was a neighbor taking advantage of the nice weather and getting some yard work done. Our committed team learned about the issue at 3 p.m. on Friday and continued to work through the night and over the weekend to make sure connectivity was up and running by today. Admin Center and Support Services staff work often happens behind the scenes. This is just one example of how each role is important to ensuring our students and staff have supportive learning and working environments.
As we plan for the end of the 2023-24 school year, we are also continuing to manage the budget shortfall for the 2024-25 school year. I have asked my Cabinet staff to offer optional budget development meetings at each school. This is a follow up to the fall meetings. Please consider attending one of these meetings to learn about the recommended 2024-25 Budget reduction areas and ask questions. Your principal will have the date and time for your school’s presentation.
Finally, it is more important than ever that our values center all decisions - including how we allocate our limited resources. Our District’s Strategic Plan outlines our commitments to our students, their families, and our broader community. One of those commitments, outlined under Goal 3, is to implement equitable budgeting, hiring, and staffing including, “ensuring that resources (i.e., people, time, and money) are allocated equitably by instituting needs-based, results-focused budgeting.” As we currently work to balance next year’s budget, we are using an equity lens to allocate additional staffing beyond the baseline formula and our Collective Bargaining Agreements. This is a different approach than in previous years. While next year our efforts will be to preserve support for students furthest from racial and educational justice - to the best of our abilities, my goal is that in future years we can use this same approach to provide any enhanced state funding in a more targeted and equitable manner.
Thank you for your support and partnership as we navigate these challenging times together.
I hope you have a great week.
Michael Tolley