January 19, 2024: MLK Weekend Recap

January 19, 2024: MLK Weekend Recap

Northshore School District logo in blue


Photo of Northshore families at PTA Focus Day in Olympia


January 16, 2024

Dear Northshore Staff: 

I hope everyone was able to stay warm over the 3-day weekend. Unfortunately, consecutive days of freezing temperatures resulted in frozen pipes in several of our elementary schools. While we took a number of preventative measures, as outside temperatures increased, these same pipes and or sprinkler systems burst and flooded classrooms and common areas. Our Northwest buildings just aren’t designed to withstand such extreme and sustained cold. I want to express my deep gratitude to our school leaders, school staff and educators, Support Services and Administration Center staff for quickly responding to the associated challenges over the holiday weekend. Many Northshore staff have been working around the clock to make sure schools could open today or as soon as possible. 

Despite the cold weather, the Northshore Council PTSA, School Board Directors, and our students participated in Washington State’s PTA Focus Day in Olympia yesterday. It was a perfect way to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.  You can see a photo from the event above. Dr. King challenged all of us to make good on our nation’s promise, a promise of unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - a promise to everyone. 

I am deeply committed to advancing Dr. King’s dream and our nation’s promise; and I believe education is foundational to that pursuit. I know from personal experience how a great education can change the life of an individual, their family, and entire community, so it seemed appropriate to be advocating for full funding of public education on MLK Day. The School Board will be back in Olympia advocating for Northshore and our students again on January 29. 

Finally, tomorrow I am meeting again with my Student Advisory Board. My Student Board is made up of young people, representing all of our high schools, and they are leaders in a variety of ways. Some are Associated Student Body Presidents, some lead non-profits, many are athletes and or artists, others advocate for social change, but all are committed to service and making things better for others. Recently, several of these student representatives joined our School Board Directors to discuss our 2024-25 budget and strategies for ensuring public schools are amply and appropriately funded. Several of them also joined us in Olympia yesterday. I am so proud of them. Not only do these students lead in their schools - but they lead in our community, helping pave the way to a better future for everyone. Our Northshore students give me great hope, and I am grateful for the privilege of working alongside them to make sure every student has the opportunity to realize their dreams. 

I hope that you have a great week. 

In partnership, 

Michael Tolley


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Educators Earn National Board Certification

Congratulations to all the Northshore educators who recently earned or renewed their National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) credential. This year, Northshore had 4 educators earn the NBCT and another 27 renew their credential. The District now has 173 current NBCTs. National Boards is recognized as the gold standard in teacher certification and is issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. To review a complete list of educators receiving this accomplishment, please visit our website.


Update from the Staff of Color Coalition

The Northshore School District Staff of Color Coalition (SOCC) held its first meeting for the 2023-24 calendar year in October 2023. The SOCC was created to center the voices and experiences of staff of color in Northshore and to provide them with a safe space for connection, support, and solidarity. Our initiatives for the SOCC this year are 1) employee retention and connection and 2) social and community-building events. These initiatives reinforce Northshore’s commitment to centering students and staff furthest from racial and educational justice and will serve as the foundation for what we will build our meetings and events upon.

Upcoming meetings include topics on collaboration with Northshore's Student Justice Collective, the upcoming Student Justice Conference, how to get involved in mentorship and volunteering opportunities, and a final meeting that will be open to all SOCC families and all Northshore colleagues to celebrate, reflect, and plan for the year ahead. 

The 2024 year has a lot in store for the coalition, and we appreciate your partnership as we continue to curate gatherings that foster a safe affinity space for Northshore’s staff of color to be seen, heard, valued, and supported. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please reach out to Interim Executive Director of Racial and Educational Justice Ayva Thomas.


Chinese American/Americans of Chinese Descent History Month

In May 2023, Gov. Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 5000, declaring January Chinese American/Americans of Chinese Descent History Month. Senate Bill 5000 declares that, "January of each year will be designated as a time for people of this state to commemorate the contributions of Chinese Americans and Americans of Chinese descent to the history and heritage of Washington state and shall be designated as Chinese American/Americans of Chinese descent history month." The Senate Bill provides a brief background of Chinese immigration to Washington starting in 1848 and chronicles the rich history, contributions, and community building that has happened because of Chinese Americans and Americans of Chinese descent. The District recognizes and commemorates the experiences, both past and present, of the students, families, community members, and staff in our Northshore district-community who identify as Chinese American and Americans of Chinese descent.




Key Dates

Jan. 17 - Wednesday Early Release
Jan. 22 - School Board Meeting, 7 p.m.
Jan. 24 - Wednesday Early Release
Jan. 26 - First Semester Ends/Second Quarter Ends
Jan. 29 - No School: Non-Student Day/Grading
Jan. 31 - Wednesday Early Release




Northshore School District is enriched by the many experiences and perspectives each individual member brings to our District and community. Therefore, our District prohibits discrimination based on age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, cognitive, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.

Civil Rights and ADA Coordinator for Staff: 
Jerred Kelly
3330 Monte Villa Parkway
Bothell, WA 98021-8972
425-408-7622 or 7604

Title IX Coordinator: 
Jerred Kelly
3330 Monte Villa Parkway
Bothell, WA 98021-8972
425-408-7622 or 7604

The Northshore School District shall provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the District’s academic, activities, or employment programs without discrimination. In addition, the District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups in its programs and activities.

Section 504 and ADA Coordinator for Students: 
Rick Ferrell
Director of Student Services
3330 Monte Villa Parkway
Bothell, WA 98021-8972

Any Northshore School District staff and community member has the right to raise concerns or make a complaint regarding discrimination under this policy without fear of retaliation. The above-listed employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged unlawful discrimination.



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