2024-25 Budget Reduction Summary

2024-25 Budget Reduction Summary

To address our $26 million budget shortfall next school year, contracts with labor partners were renegotiated. Throughout the process many compromises needed to be reached and difficult decisions made. I want to personally express my gratitude for the hard work that the labor teams and the District staff put into this bargaining effort. It was very challenging, but together the necessary reduction areas were identified. I also want to remind our secondary students, staff, and families that Northshore is not alone. At this time, there are several districts that have entered binding conditions - meaning they can’t balance their budget for next school year, or are discussing school closures. Due to the efforts of those involved in our negotiations, we have been able to avoid those situations - resulting in better outcomes for our students and staff.  

Yesterday, March 11, 2024, the newly ratified contracts for NSEA (Certified Staff and Educational Support Professionals), NEOPA (Office Managers, Secretaries, and Professional Technical Employees), and NNRAP (District Central Office Staff and Management) were approved by the School Board. This is one significant step towards resolving our budget deficit. 

Today’s communication is intended to provide a summary of the final negotiated reductions areas and recommended non-bargained items that were identified during yesterday’s School Board Budget Study Session.

The budget reduction areas were informed by the School Board’s Guiding Principles and feedback gathered during community engagement with students, families, and staff. You can view a presentation of the community budget survey and findings here

Summary 2024-25 budget development decisions: 


  • Retained the high-school 7-period day for the 2024-25 school year in response to student, family, and staff feedback gathered during the public budget meetings and survey. A 7-period day supports students struggling academically and provides opportunities for students to explore their interests. 

  • The 5th grade band and orchestra program has been eliminated for 2024-25. While this is a difficult program reduction to make, one consideration was that all 6th grade students have access to band or orchestra during the school day, 5 days a week. This was made possible when NSD transitioned from junior high to middle schools in 2017. 

  • Preschool through 3rd grade class size will remain the same, preserving lower student to teacher ratios for our youngest learners. We heard that class size was an important budget consideration for parents. Class size will increase for 4-12th grade students but only by a couple students per class. 

  • Maintained student supports including counselors, mental health counselors, Deans, and most school administrators. We will reduce 2 and a half assistant principals at the elementary level. 

  • No changes to safety and security support, cleaning, and building maintenance were made in response to student and family feedback. 


  • Middle school sports will be reduced, but not eliminated in response to parent and student feedback. Elementary sports will be eliminated. 

  • The pool at Woodmoor Elementary will be closed. This will take effect on Sept. 1, 2024 in order to support a programmatic transition. 

  • The district calendar will no longer be printed and mailed. Content is currently on the website and can be translated. 

  • A 10% supply reduction will take place in school-based budgets. 

  • A $1.3 million additional reduction will come from the Administrative Center staffing (Central Office).


If you are interested in learning more about the reduction areas, please watch the March 11 Budget Study Session.

This has been a very challenging process, however, I believe that the budget reduction areas and those services and supports that were retained reflect, to the best of our abilities, the values of the district and our community. 

I also want to prepare our full community for these next couple months. It will be emotionally hard as we begin to implement the reductions for next year. Valued educators, colleagues, and friends will learn they no longer have  jobs in Northshore. Programs that students were looking forward to may no longer be available. We will all feel a range of emotions - anger, sadness, and frustration. That is normal and expected. I feel those same emotions and wish things were different. 

So, where do we go from here? I encourage you to consider what you want for the future of our students and Northshore - and, what will it take. I am not willing to stop advocating for our students, our educators, and public education and I know many of you feel the same. Our community’s children need and deserve a great public education, one that is fully funded and supported by the state. And, I believe that by working together that future is possible. 

I invite you to attend this evening’s Conversations with the Board. It is an opportunity to learn more about our budgeting process, the Board’s ongoing advocacy for our children, and to strategize as a community about our next steps. The meeting will be held at Leota Middle School from 6-7:30 p.m. in the library. I hope that you can join us. 


In partnership, 

Michael Tolley




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