Health Information
Health Forms
Medication at School
We recommend that medication be taken at home whenever possible. However, in some cases it is essential that medication be administered during the school day. For the protection of all the students, and to comply with Washington state law, the we have policy and procedures in place for the handling of all medications at school.
Injuries at School
If your student is injured during school activities you, as the guardian, are responsible for any medical bills. The health and safety of our students is one of the district's foremost concerns. Unfortunately, accidents do happen. These accidents can result in medical bills that may be expensive. Many families are unaware that the Northshore School District does not carry insurance for student personal injury costs and therefore cannot assume responsibility for the costs. This includes students participating in athletics.
When should my child stay home?
When your child is ill they are more likely to contract other illnesses. Your child also exposes other students and staff when they come to school sick. If your child has any of the symptoms below, please keep him/her at home until the symptoms subside.
- Unusually tired, difficult to wake, pale, skin rash, lack of appetite; these are often signs of underlying illness.
- Fever of 100 degrees or higher. Your child may be sent home without a fever if other symptoms are present.
- Sore throat, especially with fever and/or swollen glands.
- Vomiting or Diarrhea within the past 24 hours.
- Yellow or green nasal drainage and/or chronic coughing may prevent your child or other students from being able to concentrate. They may expose others to illness, especially if they cannot control their secretions. Severe coughs should be evaluated by a health care provider to rule out Pertussis or "whooping cough".
- Any rash of unknown cause should be considered contagious. Please have your child examined by a health care provider to determine the cause and communicability of the rash before sending him/her to school. The school may require a note from the health care provider stating that the rash is not contagious.
For other specific diseases or health difficulties it is always a good idea to contact your school nurse. We are happy to share information and resources anytime! Students should be fever-free without fever reducing medication and no vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.