In this Edition: First Day of School, Back-to-School Resources, and More!
Back to School
This is an exciting time as we prepare for the 2024-25 school year, the resources on this page will help you prepare your student for learning on the first day of school.
News & Updates
When is the first day of school?
The first day of school for the 2024-25 school year for most students is Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024.
Grades 1-5 students start Tuesday, Sept. 3.
Most kindergarten students will have a staggered start in support of family-parent conferences. Please refer to information from your school for more specific details about your kindergarten student's experience.
Grades 6 and 9 students start Tuesday, Sept. 3 (with the exception of Innovation Lab High School and Secondary Academy for Success - all students begin Sept. 3)
All other middle and high school students will start school on Wednesday, Sept. 4.
More information about your specific school or program start date, including Northshore Learning Options and our early learning programs, will be communicated directly from your student’s school.
Enroll Your Student
New to Northshore? Use our online process to enroll your student in grades K-12. Interested in preschool? Visit our Early Childhood page for more information about enrolling for preschool.
Start & Dismissal
Find out when your school begins and dismisses each day.
School Supplies
School supplies are requested but not required.
Breakfast & Lunch
Learn about menus, payments, and free or reduced price meals.
Bus routes for the 2024-25 school year are now available.
Health Services
Depending on the student's needs, health forms may be required each year.
Get Involved!
PTSA & PTA parent volunteers work for the benefit of all children.
Frequently Asked Questions